ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 29. ʜᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ

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Mark pulled up to the hospital, grabbing a small grocery bag before closing the door to his car and heading in.

He waved to the lady at the front desk and walked up, telling her something and making his way to Ophelia's room.

As he opened the door, the smell of flowers washed over him. He was greeted with flowers surrounding Ophelia's bed as she smiled awkwardly at him.

"Uh- should I be concerned about all these flowers or..?" He asked as he entered, shutting the door behind him with a grin.

"Nah-" Ophelia laughed as she repositioned herself in her bed, "Clay found out I liked flowers and bought a whole shop display. Turns out he has a lot of money."

Mark wheezed, "And... now your just gonna leave them here?" He questioned.

"Well- I was kinda hoping you and your family would take some." She grabbed a small allium from a bouquet and handed it to him.

Mark grabbed it lightly and held it as if it was a small child. "Sure?? I had brought some snacks, checked by ms.desklady, do u want them?"

"Of course!! what'd you get?" Ophelia quickly shot up, peering at his small bag.

"Just some random candies that I thought looked funny. Oh, and maybe a small present..." he smirked, handing the bag to Ophelia as she cautiously checked the bag.

"What do you mean present?" She eyed the contents and pulled out a small, out of place box. "What the fuck is in this."

"Nothing, nothing, Ignore that. Why don't you just eat the snacks I got you, yea?" He joked, grabbing the box out of her hands.

"NO! MARK GIVE IT TO ME YOU ASS!" She retorted, grasping his arm tightly.

"Fine, fine." He gave it back to her and she opened it quickly.

"Gracie wanted to give you a gift, so she had me make that- I know it looks hideous but I'd make her happy for you to have it."

He cringed as she pulled out a small bracelet. It was beaded with green and red jewels with dark grey beads and purple stars. Ophelia quickly put it on her wrist, extending her arm to look at it in its full beauty. She could tell Mark made it, as the pattern was a bit mixed around, but Ophelia thought it had added character.

"It looks amazing, Mark." She smiled, pulling her arm back to her chest. "Seriously, I'm gonna never take this off."

Mark smiled back, ripping open one of her candy bags with his teeth and handing it to her. "Probably should, it may get dirty if you wear it all the time."

They sat there for a while, laughing with each other as they messed around with the flowers and snacks. By the end of Mark's visit, they had made flower crowns and upset stomachs.

"God, I feel sick. I haven't had junk food in weeks!" Ophelia said dramatically.

Mark rolled his eyes, "You've been in the hospital for like 6 days now, you'll be fine."

"Me on the other hand, I'm dying as soon as I get out of here. Your doctor is going to hunt me down and attack me if I get you sick. It already took so long to convince him to let me bring you stuff."

"I'll be the one attacking you if I get sick, don't even worry about my doct-"
Ophelia's head whipped around as the door swung open, followed by her doctor.

"Speak of the devil-" she joked.

He leaned against the doorframe, his black, uncombed hair resting lightly. "Hey you two, I know your having lots of fun talking trash about me, but Mark's gotta head home now."

Mark sighed and grabbed his stuff, making sure to take a bouquet with. He whispered goodbye to Ophelia as he left. Before he left, Ophelia's doctor grabbed his shoulder and whispered to him, "oh and, if you did get her sick, I know exactly where you and your relatives live, if you know what I'm getting at. Have fun with the stream by the way!"

Mark coughed nervously and quickly left the room with a chuckle. He adjusted the flower crown on his head and made his way out the hospital.

As he arrived home, he pulled up his phone to Instagram, taking a small photo with the flower crown on and added it to his story with the reminder of his stream in 20 minutes.

(Small reminder: He still hasn't eye/face revealed at this time, and in all photos or videos taken of him he has the mask and glasses on.)

He sat down at his computer to find a notification from both Tommy and Tubbo. They had wanted him to join their discord call after addressing everything on his stream.

He hadn't streamed since Ophelia's accident, and only gave a brief description of what had happened in ranmail.

After a while of contemplating and regret, he hit the go live button. He adjusted the facecam as people began to flood in.

He cleared his throat as he saw 60k people had come already. He let the starting soon screen play for a bit before switching to facecam.

He gasped lightly, "hi chat! It's been a while, hasn't it?" He moved back and forth in his chair nervously.

He explained the news to his chat, trying his best to be calm about it and condense the info. In 10 minutes, the hashtag #getwellOphelia was already trending. Mark stayed on call with Tubbo and Tommy for an hour before deciding to end stream.

Mark flopped onto his bed tiredly, browsing twitter to pass time.

ophelia @sugarlia
@ranboolive you could've told them I was attacked by a lion or something, a car crash is just embarrassing 🖕🖕fake fan
Ranboo @ranboolive
A car crash isn't embarassing??
you literally almost died what
ophelia @sugarlia
but imagine a gorilla attack
ranboo. A. gorilla. Attack.

Hhhhhhh filler but at least I'm writing

Better than more angst *wink wink*
Anyways beybye, ilysm

(Words: 1000)

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