Pᴀʀᴛ 5. Sᴛʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴄᴜᴅᴅʟᴇs

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"𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮... 𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮"



Mark groaned as he woke up, wishing to fall back asleep. That was the best sleep he had in months. He stretched and realized his arms were trapped. Mark opened his eyes to see himself wrapped around Ophelia, spooning her. She had grabbed his arms and brought them to her chest, hugging them tightly.

Mark forgot that Ophelia had stayed the night after she passed out in the unicorn chair.

Mark freaked out, not knowing what to do. Ophelia looked so peaceful while sleeping, he didn't want to disturb her. Mark decided to suck it up and cuddle with her longer. Soon he fell back asleep to the smell of her hair.


Ophelia felt Mark pull apart from her, getting off of the bed. She quickly reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him back to facing her.

"Where're you going?" She asked in a raspy voice.

"Oh.. my mom called us for breakfast- do you want to come down? I don't know if they knew you spent the night or not..."

"Oh god.. I'll stay up here, I'm not hungry anyways." Ophelia couldn't imagine the reactions Mark's parents would have to her spending the night. But it still saddened her to have Mark leave her.

Once Mark left, Ophelia got onto Mark's computer and signed in, easily guessing his password, "enderboo". She got onto twitch and smirked as an idea came to her.

She pressed the "go live" button and smiled as people started flooding in. "Heyyyy chat- secret stream!" She giggled

"M-ranboo is eating breakfast right now and his family doesn't know I'm over, so I stayed in his room." She laughed, "anddd now I'm streaming."

She logged onto the dream smp, wandering around for a bit. "Geez, ranboo is rich confirmed?" Ophelia whispered.

Dono: did you spend the night? "Yeah! I fell asleep on his chair and apparently he brought me into his bed." The chat soon flooded with awe, and cuteeee

Ophelia messed around for a bit before Mark came in. She quickly tried to mute herself and hide the stream. "Hey Ophelia- what ya doin?" He asked.

"Just spinningggg." She replied, twirling around in the chair. "Well let's not ms.boo, you scared me half to death when you fell." He laughed.

"Well you were in the way- it's not my fault you easily fall over!" She replied, sticking her tongue out.

"Well- I don't have a comeback- shoot." He paused, "I have better hugs!"

"Says who?" Ophelia argued.

"You? You literally told my sister I was a great hugger." He replied, scoffing.

"Well maybe it was an excuse, maybe I just wanted a way to get away with hugging you for a long time?"

"Would you hug me for that long if I wasn't?"

"No... ok I admit it, that hug was really nice.." the room became silent.

"Wana do it again?" Mark spoke up.

Ophelia replied by loudly getting out of the chair and slamming into him, giving him a huge hug. "Geez Ophie, that scared me."

Mark grabbed Ophelia's hand and dragged her over to his computer, sitting down as Ophelia sat in his lap, her legs draped over the side of the armrests. Mark let out an audible gasp as he realized the stream was still going, and Ophelia did too when she realized they weren't muted.

"You were streaming Ophie??" He asked, visibly shocked.

"Yeah... I got bored and decided to stream, but I thought I muted when you came in..." her voice went very quiet.

"Uhhhh- okay, guess we'll stream then." Mark casually went on with the stream, deciding to call tubbo while mining. Ophelia completely forgot she was there, watching as Mark stripmined. Soon Ophelia dozed off, resting her head on Mark's chest.

"Ranboo, am I your boo?" Tubbo asked.

"Hell no, I'm right here!" Ophelia answered quietly, rubbing her eyes after waking up.

"Ophieeee!" Mark called, resting his chin on her head, "I miss you, talk to me."

"Mr. boo, I'm right here, I'm literally on your lap!" She slapped her hand over her mouth as she realized what she said.

"WHAT!!??" Tubbo shouted, "Ranboo, tell me it isn't true!" He pleaded.

"Yes Tubbo, she's been here the whole time." Mark replied, laughing slightly.

"I was having a great nap till SOMEONE woke me up." She groaned, resting her head back on Mark. He melted into her touch, wrapping his hands around her as he slightly swayed the chair.

A bit went by as Mark talked to Tubbo, just random chatting. "Ranboo, bud, how long have you stood there for?" Tubbo ran up to ranboo's Minecraft character, punching him.

"Shoot, I didn't realize." He said in a hushed tone. Mark's thumb rubbed Ophelia's arm slowly as they cuddled, soothing Ophelia into a deep sleep.

"Is she asleep?" Tubbo asked, picking up on his quietness.

"Yeah.. I don't know how tho, her legs are literally dangling from the chair."

"Wait- she's still in your chair???" Tubbo yelled. "You're telling me you and Ophelia have been cuddling the WHOLE stream?"

"Yeah.. I didn't want to move her, besides, she's cute when she sleeps." Mark replied blankly.

"Ranboo, end stream now, you are just embarrassing yourself." Tubbo ran around ranboo's character in circles.

"Fine, ig you just don't want me here." He sighed dramatically.

"Yeah! Leave loverboo!" Tubbo yelled.

Mark promised he'd stream later, and ended the live.
He got up and cradled, putting her in his bed before turning off the lights and leaving.

He was about to go downstairs when Gracie ran over to Mark, grabbing his arm and dragging him into her room.

"What.the.fuck." Gracie spat at him. "I keep getting spammed about that stream you just had!"

"I can't believe you and Ophelia do such cute things and deny feelings!" Gracie cleared a spot on her bed for her brother, demanding that he sat down.

"Well... we don't like eachoth-" mark was interrupted.

"Bullshit! I saw what happened yesterday, and last night. No 2 friends cuddle like that, or cuddle, at all." She was now pissed, trying to get her brother to see what was going on.

"Mark.. seriously? Just answer me this, do you care about Ophelia?"


"And do you feel all fuzzy when you're around her?"


"Then she probably feels the same! You need to talk to her about this!" Gracie became softer to her brother, "I promise it's better to talk it out than deny feelings."

"Alright, I'll try.."

Little did Mark know that Ophelia had heard almost the entire conversation. She woke up missing Mark's warmth and went to go look for him.

(Word count: 1106) woooo
Don't forget to comment and vote! ilysm!! Don't forget to drink lots of water <3

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