Pᴀʀᴛ 6. Sᴜɢᴀʀʙᴏᴏ?

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User17 @user17
[clip of Mark and Ophelia hugging off camera] PLEASE, YOU CANNOT TELL ME SUGARBOO ISNT REAL
User56 @user56

User69 @firedaddy

Ophelia scrolled through her Twitter feed, smiling at a few tweets. Her and Mark were just chilling now, her head on Mark's chest.

"Hey Ophelia, I'm going to a meet up in the Uk in a week, and I don't want to leave you, so do you want to come with?" Mark asked.

"Of course! My mom would totally agree if she knew I was going with you." Ophelia smiled.

"That's great! I'll let tubbo and everyone else know." Mark raised his hand and began rubbing circles into Ophelia's arm, which she found quite soothing.

Ophelia and Mark fell asleep together again, cuddling up with eachother.

Ophelia checked in with her mom to make sure she could go, which was a yes. She smiled and laid down in her bed, excited for the next few days.


(5 days later)

Mark got up and got ready for his stream, it was a small facecam qna. He messed around with his hair slightly before going live.

"Hey chat! Hi hi, good morning!" He greeted them. Ophelia immediately stood up and walked over to Mark, she was too tired to realize he was wearing his glasses and mask, and just walked over to sit on his lap again, assuming it was a normal stream.

"Good morning to you too Ophie!" Mark smiled as she sat down, throwing her legs over the armrest again. She rested her head on his chest like normal, and Mark reflexively wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head.

The chat was spamming Sugarboo, aweeee, and CANON

Ophelia realized they could see her as her face went bright red. "I didn't realize it was a facecam stream!!" She dug her face into Mark's neck, trying to cover her embarrassed face.

"It's ok Ophie, I'm more comfortable this way."

Dono: can you hug Ophelia for me? "Yes!" Mark responded as he gave Ophelia a huge hug, which of course she melted into. They sat there for a minute solid, hugging.

Dono: that was cute... now do it again! This time Ophelia answered, "nooo I can't take another!"

After a bit, Ophelia got bored and decided to grab them some drinks. As soon as she got up from the chair, Mark pulled her down, bringing her into a big hug. "Don't leave me.." he tightened his hug on her as Ophelia started laughing.

"Sorry Ranboo, I'll be back soon, I promise!" She hugged him back then went downstairs. Ophelia gave a curt nod to Mark's mom, who was sitting down at the counter.

"Hey Ophie, dear, thank you for making Mark so happy," she spoke up finally, "he's been doing so much more ever since you came into his life."

"Pfttt okay, I'm just some girl he bumped into, thank you though." She smiled, grabbing 2 monsters she put in the fridge nights before and went upstairs.

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