Pᴀʀᴛ 9. Sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ's ᴏᴜᴛ

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Hey lol, ily ggreyson


Ranboo is live! Playing bendy with the gang!!!!! Pog pog pog

"Hey chat! How's everyone doing? Today me, tubbo, Tommy and Ophelia are going to play Bendy and the ink machine! Ophelia's already played so she's going to lead me around the whole time, the other two are here for comedy." Mark put on the facecam and adjusted it to catch all of them on the couch. Mark had brought a laptop with and hoped he could play it on there. After a while, he got the game downloaded and started.

Everyone else were forbidden to go downstairs, having to stay upstairs and play board games so they didn't give away the meetup.

"Ewwww why is it musty and rusty here?" Tubbo pointed out, looking at the gross walls of the building in the game.

"Idk, bendy likes it dirty. Like his mind." Ophelia looked to the stream and winked, earning a chuckle from Mark.

"Ophelia, if you keep suggesting things about bendy, you can leave." Tommy pointed to the kitchen, glaring at her.

"Fineeee, but how do you think he GETS all that oil? It's self-made," she smirked. Immediately the chat spammed with "ewwwww" or "OPHELIA WHAT"

"Oh my god Ophelia. Really?" Mark turned to look at her. He raised his glasses and gave her a grossed look.

"OKAYYYYY, I'm done." Tommy got off of the back of the couch and entered the kitchen. He tripped over the chair and fell straight onto the floor.

A door upstairs opened, followed by the voice of Philza, "Holy shit Tommy, are you okay mate?" He came downstairs and leaned over Tommy, laughing.

"For fucks sake, that hurt like hell!" He groaned, getting up as Philza grabbed him a bandaid for his now bleeding knee. "Where did Niki put the bandaids? Didn't Dream need them yesterday?" He asked, rummaging through cupboards.

"Oh my god Philza, WE ARE LIVEE DIPSHIT." Ophelia gave him a dumbfounded look.

"OH SHIT... I'm not here, no not at all." Philza looked at the stream then hid behind the couch, laughing.

"Okay we can't cover this up now. Guess this is the stream where we tell them." Mark sighed.

He shut his laptop and sat up properly. "WILBUR, BRING EVERYONE DOWN, PHILZA LEAKED IT." Which was followed with doors opening and loud groans. Everyone came downstairs except Dream, who stayed at the top of the stairs.

They all sat in front of the stream, laughing nervously. "And this is why you don't invite old men." Wilbur joked.

"Okay chat, um hiiii, yeah meetup pog?" Fundy laughed.

"We won't tell you where we are though! You have to guess." Sapnap added.

"We were going to tell everyone in 2 days, but I guess you get it early." Mark chuckled.

"Well this sucks, I was winning our game of monopoly!" Dream whined from the stairs.

The chat was going insane, blowing up with questions and apparently crying.

And with that, Mark ended the livestream, saying that chat couldn't handle any more information. "I can't wait to get blown up about this." Tommy groaned.

"At least we got it out of the way right? Besides, people were already guessing it happened because of Nick yesterday." Niki smiled at Philza, trying to make him not feel bad.

"Well, I say we call it a night, I'm tired!" Wilbur sighed, flopping down on the couch next to them and turning on the tv.

"Alright, I'm going to my room." Ophelia announced, getting up and going upstairs. She grabbed her phone and charger from her room and snuck into Mark's.

Everyone relaxed on the couch/their rooms. The dreamteam decided to watch scream, while everyone else was too tired to care, and went to bed. Mark and Philza had a card game in the kitchen with Tubbo and Wilbur for a while.



Ophelia smiled as Mark entered his room, confused to see her on his bed. "I um.. hi. Why are you here again?" He asked, sitting down next to her.

"Idk, I was bored with Niki." Lie.

"Oh okay, stay for as long as you want."

They sat down by eachother, looking at Ophelia's phone at tiktoks. Of course a lot of tiktoks about the meetup were made, flooding her page, but sometimes they got normal ones.

Soon Ophelia drifted off to sleep, falling asleep on Mark's lap. He smiled at her and ran his fingers through her hair, playing with it as she slept peacefully. He picked her up and brought her into her room, laying her down.

As he tried to walk away, Ophelia grabbed his sleeve, "stay please?" She asked. He smiled and got into bed with her.

Tommy burst into the room with a camera and bulky setup, doing a 'portable stream' as he called it. "HEY OPHELIA YOU-" He paused as he saw ranboo with her. Thankfully Mark had his face covered, dug into Ophelia's shoulder.

"SHIT IM SORRY!!!" He yelled as he quickly closed the door again. "Ummm tell me when you're ready!" Tommy called nervously. Ophelia groaned and got up, telling Mark to stay in her room while she left.

She walked downstairs to see Tommy giving a house tour. She went up behind him and slapped the back of his head. "You suck."

"HOW WOUKD I KNOW YOU WERE CUDDLING WITH MR. BOO!???" He yelled, looking back at her.

"I don't know, but you can't just barge into a girl's room either way. What if I was naked, or something?" She complained.

"Yeah... it is kinda my fault. ANYWAYS I DONT CARE, BACK TO THE TOURR!" And off he went, deciding to show off the bathroom and porch.

Ophelia went back upstairs, laying back down with Mark.

"Did they see my face?" He asked as she got into the covers.

"Nah, you're face was covered."

"That's good." He mumbled, once again digging his head into her neck. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him, messing with his hair with her hands.

And once again they fell asleep.

Word count: 1011

Wowwww yeah um kinda short but it's cute! Don't forget to vote and comment, it really helps! Ilysm, don't forget to hydrate and sleep!!

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