1: Thoughts

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Todoroki was not really fond of being near people. Sure he has friends, but even then he needs/wants more time to himself. It's become a habit too. He doesn't enjoy having much attention on him. He doesn't like people worrying about him more than their self's. It was actually quite difficult for him to even express his feelings in front of others. He's always had this poker face on, so much that he's gotten used to having it on all times.

He even gets flashbacks of his childhood during class. No one notices this except for one person but they haven't said anything, at least not yet. He gets panic attacks in his dorm sometimes. But not once has he cried during either of those things. Matter of fact, it's been so long since he last cried. A few years most likely, maybe after he turned 8 he stopped crying. He stopped expressing emotions. He even forgot how the watery feeling even felt, running down his cheeks.

He was in lunch right now. He would have been with Midoriya and the others right now, but he needs to be alone. He sat at one of the tables in the back near a corner. Hardly anyone noticed him. But he was fine with that. He wasn't used to anyone paying attention to him anyways. He had his tray of food right in front of him but he barely took a bite. He sighed before grabbing his chopsticks to eat his Soba. He really loved it, it was his favorite kind of food that he got. Plus he felt bad for the people that worked to make this if he hadn't eaten it. Once he was done, he put his tray with the rest of the other ones and sat back down at his lonely table.

No one was there with him. No one needed to be their with him. He just needs to pass his last year, become a hero.
But..once he becomes a hero what will he do?
He hasn't thought about what he will do once he graduates. Maybe get a house or just live with his father still. But that would suck. He still has time to think about what agency he wants to do. But time is slowly running out, and so is his motivation to become a hero. He already decided his hero name. Just his name. Endeavor's agency is one of the top rank, but that means he will have to stay with his father even more/longer.

What will happen to him once he does become a hero. He will fight villains, maybe take down the Lov. But once he does what's the purpose of his existence.

"I gave you life to become the number one hero. To surpass me. To beat All Might. That's the only reason your alive. You'll be the greatest hero there is in the entire world. If you can't do that then you have no purpose. You don't need to be here. You rather be better off dead."

Those were his fathers words. The words that stayed with him for years. Words that constantly repeatedly nagged on the back of his head. He would never forget those words, because he was right. If he couldn't even become the number one hero then what was the point of him alive?

He sighed as he leaned back inside his chair. His bangs moving as they had gotten longer, covering his eyes. He sometimes wondered what his brother would be doing. Maybe plotting his evil plans to destroy the pro heroes or destroy the school or kidnap people. Or he would be off alone. A lot of people admired him, so many, too many to even count. But some despised him, called him names for being a show off. He even got called names for having a villain as his brother. He would try to shrug it off but it would nag at the end of his head.

Sure his brother dearly hated him with all his guts. But for some reason Todoroki still loved him. No matter what he would do. But, he knew he had to stop him. He had to fight him from times and close to even kill him. But he couldn't, and his brother knew it, he would sometimes take advantage of it too. Resulting in him getting seriously injured. His father would also lecture him, saying that wasn't Touya anymore. But Todoroki hoped a little was left in him.

The bell had rung, startling Todoroki out of his thoughts. He moved from his table and walked along all the other people who were going to class.

"Imagine having a villain as a brother." He heard someone scoffed. He ignored it, seeing how if he interfered he would just cause a bigger problem.

"Freak." Another one said.

"Disgusting." One said.

"He's the one related with that villain Dabi, right?" A female whispered.

He would get pushed and shoved sometimes. And it's not like it was a small space either they had a good amount of space to have their own bubble, they were just doing it to be rude. It was tiring. Some of his classmates would sometimes be around him and defend him but no one was there right now. Not like he wanted help. He has it under control. Plus, slight guilt would hit him sometimes when they helped. He wasn't used to people helping him.
Someone eventually got a hold of his hair and pulled him down, making him grunt and fall onto the floor. He eventually got trampled on and kicked too. But he didn't say anything. This made them even more annoyed. As he got back up, someone kicked his head. He groaned softly but that was quite in the loud noises he was surrounded by.

"Watch it fuck faces!" A familiar voice yelled. Bakugo had sparks in his palms as a warning. He kneeled down to the level Todoroki was at and helped him up. "You good?" He asked. He was surprisingly acting nice. But that didn't matter. He was slightly different from his first year also. He would not get that mad or he would help out some of his students.

"Yes I'm fine. Thank you." Todoroki mumbled. Bakugo rolled his eyes before walking along side with him. The blonde wanted to stay with him, to make sure other people wouldn't bother him. He noticed how he wasn't defending himself and just letting the extra's mess with him. It made him slightly irritated. Bakugo glanced at him from the corner of his eyes and seen him slightly rubbing the back of his head.

"You sure you okay? You look like you got the shit kicked out of you. Though I could have done better." He scoffed. Todoroki hummed and didn't say anything else. They stayed like that until they walked into the classroom.

"Thanks again Bakugo. Sorry for bothering you." Todoroki finally spoke. He didn't look at him though. Slight guilt nagging him.

"It's fine and you don't have to say sorry. Those retards were pushing you around and it pissed me off, mainly because I'm the only one who is allowed to do that to you." Bakugo said, slightly proud of himself. He walked to his desk as so did Todoroki with a small smile on his face but barely noticeable.

Words 1236

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