15: Todoroki's Birthday

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Todoroki sat in class. Everything was completely normal to him. Just another regular day for him. He sat in his seat. Pretty much doing nothing and bored. He was all caught up on everything and had nothing else to do. He held his head up by his chin with his hand that was on the desk. He sighed as he continued to look at the clock, slowly ticking. It was 3 more minutes and class would be over for the day. Eventually those 3 minutes were up and everyone began to pack up. He grabbed his bag and walked out. He just wanted to stay in his dorm all day and never leave. He stopped to look in his bag and grabbed his baby blue scarf with some white gloves to put on for the weather.

He left the school and headed his way to the dorms. It was cold and chilly outside. He sighed as the warm air from his mouth hit the cold air, making it look like smoke. He brought his hands to his mouth and breathed in them, trying to warm them. His nose began to turn red. But yet he refused to use his quirk. It was strange, how you think he would have gotten over his past. But yet his past his always there, hidden away in a safe, never to be open. He liked to feel the cold sometimes, he enjoyed it. The coldness linger on his fingertips. He coughed slightly before opening the door to the dorms. He was usually the first one there, so he didn't really see anyone there.

He sighed before walking to the elevator and going to his room. He walked in and took his blazer off. He loosened his tie before plopping down on his bed. He was too tired to even take off his uniform. He exhaled into the covers of his sheets and nuzzled into them, strands oh his hair moving along. He thought he would be alone for a while before a knock was heard on his door. He groaned quietly and got up to open the door.

"Hello Todoroki," Yaoyorozu calmly spoke. She was very mannered and collected. Todoroki enjoyed her presence. That made them really good friends. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me in a movie in the girls room." She offered. Todoroki almost wanted to say no and stay in his bed, but then later he would feel bad for now going.

"Sure." Todoroki hummed. Yaoyorozu smiled as she watched him closed his door to his room. They began to start walking their way to Mina's room. Of course that was where they usually had movies the most. The raven haired opened the door and Todoroki was met with all the females there. He was a little shocked to see all the girls here already, they just came out of school, and they were all dressed in comfortable clothes, he still had his uniform on. He felt slight uncomfortable for still having it on but tried to shrug it off.

"Hey Todoroki!" Uraraka chirped. She was wearing a light pink shirt that said, "Sleepy still," in the front while the back said, "don't bother me." She smiled sweetly at him. He gave a small wave back. Then all of them started greeting him. He was confused but just went along with it. Yaoyorozu lead him on the floor where he would be in front of the bed but also in front of the TV. He sat down and flinched when he saw too pink legs on the side of him. He looked up and seen Mina there.

"It's just me silly. Can I do your hair?" She gave a innocent smile. "Pleaseeee." She then proceed to do puppy dog eyes. Todoroki was getting even more confused but let her. He liked the feeling of his hair getting played with, and he was even surprised with himself to even let her touch him. Toru was next to her and passed her a comb. Momo then began to start the movie. This was total normal. It's not like everyday you go to hang out with the girls and they start doing your hair.

"You still haven't changed out of your uniform? Ribbit." Asui asked as she had her pointer finger to her cheek and tilted her head sideways. Todoroki shook his head.

"I can make you some clothes if you'd like." Momo offered. Todoroki tried to politely refuse but Mina beat him to it.

"Make him some shorts and a hugeee oversized hoodie!" Mina said as she held a grin on her face. They all looked at her, confusion held on their faces. She nodded at Momo who eventually sighed and began to make it. Mina began to brush his hair back then started to part it down the right side. It felt like she was just playing with his hair. Todoroki sighed quietly to himself as he began to regret coming. Momo finished creating the clothes and handed them to the boy who was getting head rubs instead of any style. Yaoyorozu sighed as she rolled her eyes before moving Mina off him. Todoroki held the clothes close to him as he regretted everything.

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