30: Rose Eyes

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"Move it." Todoroki got shoved to the side. He sighed quietly, hoping the day would go faster. It's been a quiet for a few months but people slowly started again.
Todoroki walked down the hall, deciding whether or not to go to the roof. He knew the blonde would be upset at him for skipping lunch and not telling him but he was tired.

He opened the door and the breeze of spring blows through him. He found it relaxing. He put his bag on the floor and sat on the edge. His legs dangling while he looked up at the sky, clouds covering the sun. He looked down at seen a few trees blossoming bright pink leaves. It was beautiful.

He sat there in silence for a few minutes, letting the air absorb him and blow his thoughts away. Soon, he heard the door open and close. He swiftly turned his head and saw Bakugo there. He looked away, he knew the blonde was probably upset at him for leaving and not saying anything. He should've texted him at least.

"Hey," Bakugo sat down next to him, he was carefully how close he was to the edge unlike the younger, his voice surprisingly soft and didn't seem upset. Todoroki hummed in acknowledgment.
"Why didn't you go to the cafeteria?" Bakugo glanced at the boy but he couldn't see his eyes since his bangs were covering them. Todoroki sat quiet for a moment, he always did seem to take a second to respond to question, it gave him time to think of what to say.

"I couldn't be in there.." Todoroki mumbled, his voice small and unsteady. It was too loud, too crowded. There was so many people, they probably were judging him. Bakugo hummed and nodded slightly. They say quiet for a few minutes because Todoroki's nose started to become numb and it was a light pink.

Bakugo didn't want to push the boy into telling him why he didn't come. He knew something must've happened but he could have told him. He was getting a little worried when five minutes passed and still no sign of the peppermint hair. He even asked four eyes if he's seen him to which he respond no. It was obvious where he could've been which was his second choice and he went to the roof where he found the boy.
It was high but it didn't seem to faze either of them. They both have been used to being this high especially Bakugo. But it didn't stop him from being cautious about the boy who was just dangling his legs over the edge.

Todoroki laid back, the sun shining in his face making him squint his eyes before putting his arms over his head. He felt the gaze he was getting from the blonde. Soon, he felt shuffling and his shoulder gazed by the blonde. Bakugo was laying down with him, side by side.

His heart started to race. Why did he feel this way around him? He started to act like this a while ago but now it's just getting worse. It's like this feeling where his stomach feels weird, like he has to vomit or something. And he feels his entire face burn while his heart beats fast. It's strange but it somehow feels good too. Todoroki doesn't know what it is. He should ask Yaoyorozu about this..

"Since we're out here alone," Bakugo turned his head to face the boy who eventually moved his arms. Todoroki moved his head to look at him.
"You wanna talk about anything, something on your mind?" Bakugo asked, turning his body completely to face the boy. This environment seemed like the perfect time to ask him. Todoroki looked back at the sky. Bakugo took a moment to appreciate his sharp jaw line and the outline of his scar.

"I don't know." Todoroki whispered which was a lie and they both knew it. Todoroki had so much on his mind. There was so many things that was bothering him but he just didn't know how to say it out loud, how to tell someone. Bakugo pursed his lips and breathed out his nose.

"Well what's something you want to ask me but are too afraid to say."

"I am not afraid." Todoroki turned his head to look at the blonde, his eyebrows scrunched and a frown on his face. Bakugo gave him a look, 'really?'. He could just hear the blonde saying it in his head. Todoroki faced the other side, his back towards the blonde. He was getting a bit angry, angry because he knew Bakugo was right. He is afraid. He is afraid because he doesn't know how the blonde will react to it.

"Come on, it's just you, me and the wind." Bakugo said behind his back. The concrete was starting to hurt like a bitch but he ignored it and focused on the boy.
"You can tell me anything, even if it's random." Bakugo added. Todoroki pulled his legs up and curled into a ball.

Todoroki didn't know what to say. He's never a person to start much of a conversation. He likes to listen to the blonde talk to him. But Bakugo was know asking him to speak his mind. What should he say?

"I don't know how to say it.." Todoroki turned around and looked back at the crimson eyes. They were so beautiful, like gemstones, a ruby or like a rose, they were lovely to look at but dangerous to get near or touch.

"That's okay. Just look me in the eye and I'll try to understand." Bakugo smiled softly. Todoroki looked away before forcing himself to look back into his eyes. It was very difficult for him. He didn't like eye contact. He tried but failed and kept looking away. His eyes flickering back and forth.

Bakugo watched and frowned. He could always know what the boy was thinking with just looking him in the eye, but Todoroki couldn't even do that. He knew how difficult it was to just look at him, it was always a trouble for him to look at people.

Bakugo pulled him close. Todoroki was startled by the touch but didn't struggle. He just let himself be brought near the blonde. Woah, this was different. They were hugging, on the edge of the roof. Todoroki was never really affectionate and never bothered to even think about hugging anyone except try to endure the hug from others. He was letting the blonde in his personal space and letting him hug him or is it cuddling him..? Whatever it was, Todoroki enjoyed it. It relieved him and removed everything in his head.
They stayed like that for a few minutes. Bakugo didn't say anything else. Todoroki was grateful for it.

Words 1139

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