31: Stress Relief Hug

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March 12th

Todoroki was in the kitchen, making some cold tea. It was early but it was Sunday. No one would be up around this time which he's grateful for. He took a sip, he didn't bother to make hot tea for obvious reasons.

He couldn't sleep well last night. He had fallen asleep late just to wake up early in the morning, just to sleep for an hour and wake up now. It kept going back and forth. So yeah, Todoroki was pretty tired right now. He would've made himself coffee but he's not really that type of person plus he wasn't doing anything interesting today.

He walked towards one of the table and sat down quietly. He was lost in thought and didn't think anyone was out till the door slammed open and closed. Todoroki flinched at the sound and looked at the door. Bakugo stood there, he was pissed. His face scrunched and a scowl on his lips. Todoroki didn't dare to make a noise. The blonde didn't seem to notice him either. He hastily walked to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. Todoroki bit the inside of his cheek, maybe he can slip past the blonde and go back to his room without being noticed. He didn't want to be near Bakugo when he was angry. Actually, he didn't want to be near anyone when they were angry. He didn't like how they started to raise their voice and get angry at anyone near them.

Todoroki took his cup and quietly got up from his chair. He drank half his cup so he wouldn't spill any on the floor and carefully walked to the hallway. He was doing a pretty good job until he stepped on a specific wood floor and it creaked. He froze and heard the blonde freeze. God fucking damn it.
He turned to look at the older who swiftly turned his head to face the boy. His face soften but not all the way. Todoroki had no choice but to go sit down at the island. He could've left, but he didn't want to seem rude, especially to Bakugo. He quietly walked to the counter, Bakugo had continued making his coffee. It was quiet beside the sound of Bakugo's coffee making.

"Didn't think you would be up this early." Bakugo stated. He didn't bother looking at the boy, keeping his back faced towards him. Todoroki mumbled a 'yeah..'. His voice so soft it was almost inaudible. Todoroki stayed silent, keeping his eyes inside his drink.

Bakugo finished making his coffee, the cup still hot so he left it on the counter. He eventually turned around to look at the smaller. Todoroki felt the stare he was receiving. He didn't look up at him. Bakugo grew even more irritated and walked over towards the boy. It wasn't that he was specifically mad at Todoroki. It just made him pissed that he was ignoring him. Todoroki saw from his peripheral vision the blonde walking toward him.

Bakugo stood next to him. Todoroki didn't know what to do so he looked up at the blonde. He looked straight into his rose eyes, anger lingered in them. It took every little amount of strength to hold eye contact. He wanted to look away but if Bakugo can still hold eye contact, so could he. They stared at each other for a while, neither backing away from eye contact. If Bakugo wasn't so irritated right now, he would've complemented him for keeping eye contact.

Bakugo took a deep sigh and wrapped his arms around Todoroki. The boy flinched and tensed up. Bakugo was hugging him? He doesn't know if this is there first hug or one of the few they had. They don't really have a lot of physical touch (besides Christmas) and even if they did, it was not often. So it was strange for Bakugo to be randomly hugging him. Todoroki didn't seem to be bother by it though, he relaxed himself. He seemed to like this, he liked getting hugged by Bakugo. The blonde noticed this and squeeze tighter. Todoroki's head was nuzzled inside his chest, a hint of nitrogen and caramel mixed together in his shirt. It was a strange combination but Todoroki took notice of the nitrogen, meaning he was training. But Todoroki did also notice Bakugo's heart beating fast.

Katsuki sighed softly. His anger being released with the sigh while the air hit the strands of red and white hair. Shoto hesitated before limply wrapping his arms around Katsuki. Bakugo was not expecting it and jolted. But he hugged Shoto tighter. Todoroki let a small smile on his lips. They both enjoyed this, it was like a stress relief hug. They've both had a lot of their mind. This was nice. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Katsuki brought his hand to Shoto's hair and ran through it. Todoroki liked that. He closed his eyes and let the blonde comb his hair. Katsuki smiled softly, he's just like a cat.

After a few more minutes, Bakugo broke the hug. Todoroki also let go of him and faced him.

"Are you feeling better?" Todoroki asked, his voice soft and gentle. He tilted his head slightly in the most adorable way. Bakugo felt his face heat but he smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for the hug princess." Bakugo grinned, he patted the boy on the head. Todoroki would've said something about the nickname but he let it slide seeing how it wouldn't do him any good.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Todoroki asked. He looked up at the blonde. His face soften even more for the blonde. Bakugo blushed harder. He was so cute and pure. He was willing to listen to Bakugo's trouble and even asked why he was upset. Bakugo's let a more genuine smile on his lips.

"Maybe later peppermint." Bakugo ruffled his hair, Todoroki closed his eyes. Bakugo started to snicker as he walked away to the forgotten coffee. Todoroki blew the strands in front of his face away and looked at the blonde who was admiring him from the other side of the island. 
"You're cute." Bakugo smirked, his chin laid on the his palm with his arm holding it up. Todoroki flushed. His face was red and his palms were shaking. He definitely needs to ask Yaoyorozu for this. He looked down. Bakugo noticed the way he made Shoto flush. He liked it.

He should start doing that more often.

Words 1088

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