42: Practice Exam

477 17 5

May 14

A week has passed but they are getting closer to becoming pro hero's. Everyone seems so happy about it but Todoroki feels so distant. He doesn't want to get so attached. But Bakugo helps him try to spend as much time with them before they all split. It's not like it will be permanent, they'll probably run into each other during missions. But Todoroki can't handle the fact that some are moving out of the continent.

Midoriya is moving, well not totally moving but he's going to be in and out of continent. He is his very first friend at UA. Todoroki doesn't know where he'll be right now if Midoriya hadn't helped him overcome his past. He seems to be fine with moving, happy even.

Todoroki blinks as he tries to focus back on his teacher talking. It's a practice exam before the real one. They'll be training against their classmates of their choosing and try to pin the other down. They want to see how much they improved for becoming pro hero's soon.

Everyone seems to be getting a partner but Todoroki doesn't even get a chance before a certain blond pats his head.

"Don't worry princess, I'll be your partner," Bakugo smiles with such smug. Todoroki rolls his eyes.

"Sure, I'll beat you in seconds."

"Wanna bet?" Bakugo asks, a glint in his eyes shimmer and he looks at Todoroki. The boy can't stop himself from smiling, he's about to answer before Aizawa speaks.

"Everyone may begin, remember this is just a physical training so no quirks allowed and it's not an exam..or is it?" Aizawa smirks as everyone else starts groaning.
"Just kidding maybe, now start." Aizawa says standing against the wall.

Todoroki gets in stand as he watches Bakugo. The blond has a smirk on his face and Todoroki has to hold himself back from rolling his eyes. Lately he's been feeling more comfortable with Bakugo, expressing himself freely, being able to tease Bakugo as he messes with him.

It's just like when they were training a few days ago, physical combat. They are both good in each combat, sometimes Todoroki will win or Bakugo, it switches. That's why Todoroki doesn't know how this will end.

Bakugo charges towards him and Todoroki manages to block the punch. Todoroki is trying to follow the pattern that Bakugo is giving. Todoroki grabs the blond's arm and tries to twist it. But unfortunately, Bakugo releases and wraps his arm around his neck, not tight but enough for Todoroki to struggle breathing.

"Didn't expect that, did you princess?" Bakugo whispers in his ear and immediately Todoroki can feel his face hot. Ever since he realized his feeling for Bakugo, everything seems different. Usually Todoroki would try to get out but he can't for some reason. The way Bakugo has his arms around him and the way he whispered softly in his ear. It makes Todoroki hot inside.

He grabs the blond by the back of the neck and throws him in front of him. His back hits the pavement and he groans.

"Sorry, are you okay?" Todoroki asks as he kneels down to check the blond. He did throw him really hard. His face is upside down from Bakugo perspective. Bakugo notices the red freckled on the boy's cheeks.

"Yeah I'm okay princess, nice throw though," Bakugo says before getting cut off my their teacher.

"This isn't a flirting exam you two," Aizawa yells but he seems to enjoy teasing the two. Todoroki's face getting redder and Bakugo can only roll his eyes at the teacher. Todoroki helps him up and they share an awkward look before continuing.


Todoroki feels sore and tired and sweaty. His body is worn out and he hopes that he won't wake up in pain tomorrow. They finally finished training and Todoroki is in the locker room. He could take a shower here but he doesn't feel comfortable. He takes his stuff and heads out. They are finished for the day so Todoroki can't wait to get in bed after he takes a shower.

He makes his way to his dorm and heads for the bathroom. He's exhausted and just wants to sleep. He strips and turns the water on warm.
Once he finished, he went to his dorm and laid on his bed. Training with Bakugo was very tiring. He knew he was flexible but damn, his back still hurts. Todoroki sighed and he could feel the water drip down his face from his hair. His eye lids feel heavy and he's about to fall asleep before a knock startles him. The door opens and he already know who it before he looks.

"Hey, come on you have to eat," Bakugo places a plate on his nightstand and it's filled of delicious food that Todoroki can just tell by the way it smells. The boy takes a moment to grab his strength to sit up.

"Did you eat?" He asks the blond, placing the plate on his lap. It's yakisoba, little vegetables cut with fried noddles. It smells amazing, Todoroki can feel his tongue watering.

"Yeah, you should've seen dunce face eating it was hilarious," Bakugo said as he started to laugh.

"Why what happened?" Todoroki asked as he stuffs a fork full of noddles in his mouth.

"Okay so I was giving him his plate since he kept bugging me to make it after I finished cooking yours. And he's eating it and then bubblegum comes and starts showing him a funny video while he's eating, then the idiot starts dying laughing and a noodle comes out of his nose!" Bakugo finished and he's laughing so hard he's having a hand on his stomach.

Todoroki chuckled as he continued to eat while watching the blond laugh. Bakugo looks so happy, his eyes squinted to hold the tears back, his cheeks round and his smile. Wow, his smile is breathtaking. He loves seeing this part of Bakugo. He loves listening to him talk about his friends. He loves seeing him smile and laugh. Todoroki can feel his cheeks heat and his heart race.

"That's not even the grossest part, he sniffed it back in!" Bakugo cackles, his hand run in front of his eyes before combing back his hair. Todoroki can feel butterflies inside his stomach. Bakugo looks so lovely. Todoroki takes a second before realizing what Bakugo just said.

"Ew that's pretty nasty," Todoroki says but he can feel the corner of his lips turn upwards then a small giggle leaves his mouth.

It turns quiet for a moment. Then Bakugo looks at Todoroki who returns the eye contact.

Bakugo loves when he laughs. It's not often when he laughs and the fact that it's Bakugo making him laugh makes his heart squeeze. Bakugo wants to be the reason why Todoroki laughs every time. He can't wait for that to happen once they move in together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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