6: Snowflake

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Ever since that day Bakugo has been cautiously watching him. Todoroki slightly hated that night. He had a panic attack in front of Bakugo. Now he's gonna be watching him like a hawk. He hated that feeling. Being vulnerable in front of others. He was used to handling things on his own.

It was December 13th. Todoroki was in the lunch room, this time he sat it the back, alone. He wanted to sit there to make sure he wouldn't get wet. He didn't grab food this time and only 10 minutes had past. He stayed there and put his chin on the table but his arms around. Soon, someone sat down with a loud clatter (their tray hitting the table). Todoroki looked up and seen Bakugo.

"You have to eat." Bakugo spoke. He was eating his own food. Todoroki held a small scowl on his face. He didn't want to. He just wanted to past this period. "Once you finish we can go back in the roof for the rest of the period." Bakugo said while glancing at him. Todoroki did want to go back on the roof but he didn't know how so the fact that Bakugo was offering again made him eat. He took the tray and seen soba. That was his favorite food. How did Bakugo know?
"It doesn't take a genius to know that you like soba." Bakugo scoffed slightly. Todoroki hummed in politeness and began to eat. Bakugo let a small smile on his face.

They ate in quite. He was glad that Bakugo was just making him eat. Once Todoroki was done he looked at Bakugo who was already looking at him. The bloody crimson eyes peering back at an deep ocean wave with a grey smoky eyes. He looks so beautiful. Bakugo thought to himself.

"Thank you." Todoroki signed. Bakugo nodded and sat up, picking up his tray to take it to the other finished ones. Todoroki following along. Like a master and their pet. They put the trays with the rest. Bakugo looked at Todoroki who was already looking back at him.

"Ready?" Bakugo asked. Todoroki nodded. They walked out the cafeteria. Todoroki behind Bakugo and following him. "Walk faster. I feel like I'm gonna lose you with your small ass." Bakugo rolled his eyes. Todoroki picked up his speed and was next to the blonde. Bakugo did indeed get slightly taller than him. How? Was the exact same question Todoroki had. Soon, they walked up the stairs and reached the door. He pushed it open and let Todoroki go before following him afterwards.

"T-thank you." Todoroki spoke. It was the first time he spoke all day so you can imagine how his voice sounds. Bakugo looked at him, he was letting the cold wind him. The wind slightly messing up his hair. It was slightly snowing but that didn't matter to Todoroki, he could just heat himself up.

"Fuck..I should've brought my coat." Bakugo shivered. He did not know how Todoroki was not cold or shivering but then remembered that he had his heat quirk. Todoroki looked at him then felt bad. He had brought him out here.

"H-here, come closer." Todoroki said. His left arm out for Bakugo to come in. Bakugo looked at him before walking to him. Heat instantly warmed him up.

"Fuck you and your quirk." Bakugo mumbled.

"In a good way or bad way?" Todoroki asked. Bakugo looked at him before replying.

"Good I guess.." he mumbled. They sat down on the floor. Todoroki liked this. Even though he doesn't like touching people a lot, he enjoyed this. Bakugo was slightly hugging himself before hugging Todoroki's waist. Todoroki flinched slightly.
"God your so fucking small.." Bakugo whispered softly. His hands slightly rubbing his waist. His cheeks tinted pink. Along with Todoroki's cheeks but tinted red. "Give me some more warmth." Bakugo said. Trying to cover up what he said. Todoroki hummed and put his heat higher. Bakugo exhale in warmth.

Soon snowflakes started making their way down. Bakugo rolled his eyes and buried his face into Todoroki's left rib/side. The boy flinched again. Not being used to so much physical touch meant pretty much flinching at every movement Bakugo did. A small snowflake made its way on his nose. Bakugo looked up and seen. It was so beautiful and adorable.

"Try to get a snowflake on your tongue." Bakugo suggested. Todoroki looked at him, confused. "What? You never done that when you were a kid? I used to do it pretty much all the time." Bakugo mumbled. Todoroki looked away. He never was outside the house. He barely seen snow so he's never been able to get one on his tongue like Bakugo did.

"My father wouldn't let me out the house much." Todoroki whispered. Bakugo looked at him then remembered what him and Midoriya were taking about. He felt guilty now.

"Well now you can try it without him here." Bakugo mumbled with a grin. Todoroki looked at him. Bakugo stood up and held his hand out for him. Todoroki took it and still had his quirk on for Bakugo.
"Try to get one." Bakugo said with a grin on his face. Todoroki looked at him confused. Bakugo rolled his eyes before sticking his tongue out. Todoroki widen his eyes softly before doing the same thing. He waited a second before a small cold sensation hit his tongue.
"There you go!" Bakugo laughed. He left real quick while Todoroki continued sticking his tongue out. When Bakugo came back he threw a snowball at him. Todoroki wasn't expecting it and it threw him off balance. Bakugo started laughing. Todoroki looked at him before using his ice quirk to make soft snow and rolled it into a ball.
"Hey that's cheating!" Bakugo said before running. Todoroki let a small smile crawl on his lips. He threw it and Bakugo and hit him in the rib. Bakugo fell back and hit the floor. Todoroki ran to him, slightly worried he actually hurt him.

"Bakugo are you okay?" Todoroki asked slightly worried. Bakugo brought up him hand and hit him with snow in his face. He let out a laugh. Todoroki blinked before shaking off the snow. Bakugo continued laughing as Todoroki looked at him. He let a very small and barely noticeable laugh out. Bakugo stopped laughing as soon as he heard it. He turned his head to face Todoroki who had a blank face on.

"W-was that you?" Bakugo asked softly. His eyes slightly widen. Todoroki hesitantly nodded. Bakugo immediately blushed. "That was fucking adorable." Bakugo whisper into his hand that hid mouth. Todoroki looked at him like a sweet baby.

Words 1122

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