20: Forgiveness

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After school, Bakugo had made a mental note to visit Todoroki's dorm and finally apologized. He had finally built up the courage for days and now he was going to do it. Sure, it was a bit delayed but Bakugo was gonna apologize for that to. He originally was gonna wait till Todoroki was along in class but he was around someone every time he tried to talk to him. So he quickly ran to the dorms and went to his dorm to throw everything on his bed. He didn't care if it fell off the bed or if it was unorganized.

He wanted to hurry up and see the boy. He missed being next to Todoroki. He wanted to always be there with him. That's why he started hanging out with him more this year. Todoroki had always seemed to catch his interest and was very unique. The first time he came to UA, he was the first person who caught his eye. His hair spit perfectly in half, his scar that seemed to match his hair, his striking heterochromia eyes. The only thing that pissed him off was that he showed almost no emotions. That's why Bakugo tried getting under his skin in his first year, he tried seeing if he could make Todoroki crack/break. He wanted to see him anger or upset. But the same thing would happen, he would accept it and get on with his day.

Bakugo walked to his dorm as calmly as he could. He looked around to see if anyone was near his dorm and found no one. He knocked gently on the door; a specific knock he made for him and Todoroki, it was like there secret knock. He waited patiently as he put his ear against the door. He heard nothing. He knocked once more on the door and waited. He placed his hand on the door knob and turned in slowly, it was unlocked as usual.

"Todoroki?" Bakugo said into the dark abyss. He poked his head in his dorm and squinted his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He opened the door enough for him to come in and closed. He then looked around and see a figure on the bed. He walked towards the bed but didn't sit down yet.

Todoroki heard him come in but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to be there in his room but he didn't complain against it. He had missed his presence during lunch and other times but all Todoroki would remember is how Bakugo grabbed him by the collar and close to his face. He heard the footsteps stop near his bed. He laid quiet.

"Todoroki, I wanted to say sorry about the other day. I was pissed about something before that happened and I just threw my anger at you. I know you don't deserve that and I know I should've never touched you but I am sorry." Bakugo clenched his fist once he finished, the pain starting to build back in his knuckles but he ignored it. Todoroki laid quiet and surprised. His back was faced towards him with his blanket on top of him. He took the blanket off and sat up. He was already changed into his nightwear which was just some joggers and a long sleeve shirt. He looked up and the blonde who held his head down. He followed his gaze and saw his hands wrapped with bandages. He soften his face and gently grabbed his hands. Bakugo looked up and let Todoroki pull him to the bed. He sat down next to him and they just sat there in silence for a while.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too for saying something like that in the first place." Todoroki looked away from his stare and at the floor. He fidgeted with his fingers, he felt Bakugo place his hands on top of them and pulled him into a hug. He froze at first and didn't know what to do. His head was underneath Bakugo's chin, his eyes widen as he felt himself tear up. God, why was he about to cry? He had no reason. He took in a shaky breath before sinking into the hug. Bakugo was stunned at first but then quickly smiled softly. He wrapped his arms around the boy and they sat like that for a while. It might have seemed uncomfortable but they endured it for a little while. Both of them had missed there presence. Todoroki missed the warmth Bakugo had held when he was around him. Bakugo had just missed him, he couldn't stand being without him for this long.

"Can I ask why you were upset that day?" Bakugo asked tenderly, his voice calm and sweeter than usual. Todoroki froze once more. He leaned his head down into his chest. He could hear Bakugo's heart beat going faster than normal. The blonde was so shocked that Todoroki had even let him hug him in the first place and was going to enjoy every second of it. Finally, Todoroki pushed him away but not a lot to the point they weren't touching but enough to give them space. He looked up at those ruby eyes and licked his bottom lip before biting down on it.

"Why are you with me?" He asked breathless. The question hung in the air as Bakugo had tried to process this questions and try to understand what he meant. When Bakugo looked at him confused, Todoroki knew that was a hint to explain it.
"You're always with me for the past months and you've always make sure I take care of myself but you never really told why you do this. I want to know why you do this, why you help me?"
Todoroki finished and held eye contact for a few seconds. Bakugo could see through his eyes that he was being genuine and really asking him why he was doing this. His eyes were filled with pain but confused. He looked away, hesitating he placed his head against Bakugo's chest. They sat there for moments, though it felt like hours. What did Todoroki mean? Why was Bakugo helping him? Was it because he hated how he didn't take care of himself? Was it because he wanted to fight him and his strongest? Or was it because he loved him and hated how much he didn't care for anything, not even himself. He couldn't even take care of himself and maybe that's why Bakugo helps him. But how was he going to explain it to him? How was he going to explain it in a friendly way.

"I.." Bakugo stuttered. Todoroki listen to him carefully to see if he would say anything else.
"I..care for you..and I hate how you don't take care of yourself or stand up for yourself." Bakugo continued as he ran his hand up his back. Todoroki shivered at the touch before melting once he started playing with his hair. How was Bakugo going to explain that he cares for him because he loves him?
"I want to make you open your eyes and see how much you can improve with everything. I want to help you because I want you to see the way your friends actually care about you and not worry about other people decision." Bakugo said gently. Todoroki soften his body and relaxed into his chest. Bakugo laid down and brought the boy on top of his chest. Todoroki laid down with Bakugo's words inside his head. He felt Bakugo's heart beat fast and watched his stomach rise and fall with each breath he took. Todoroki hesitated but grabbed his hands and used his ice quirk to numb the pain for his knuckles. Bakugo immediately sighed in relief as he felt the cold feel instantly better. They both smiled, knowing neither could see.

Words 1317

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