23: Message

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Todoroki woke up first. His head throbbing from the noise of his alarm clock. He knew it was very irresponsible of him to drink on a school day. He looked up and seen the blonde there. Sleeping uncomfortable sitting up. He immediately sat up and laid the blonde down more carefully on the bed. Then, he turned off the alarm and looked at the boy. He smiled softly at Bakugo who was still asleep.

He walked to his bathroom and grabbed some Tylenol and uncapped two pills and swallowing them dry. Tired as he was, he slowly began to get ready. It was still early for everyone else so he let Bakugo sleep a little longer.

Eventually, the blonde woke up on his own and seen the sight of Todoroki on his phone. A frown covering his face as he looked on the screen. Bakugo groaned, announcing himself awake. Todoroki flinched and looked at the blonde who was stretching. He turned off his phone and placed it in his bag. He walked over to him and handed him the water bottle he drank from last night. Todoroki didn't really know what to do since he can barely cook.

"Thanks." Bakugo mumbled as he took in and drank it. Refreshing his throat that now seem thirsty. Todoroki nodded and turned to look at the floor. They both stayed quiet for moments. Neither knowing what to say. "What time is it?" Bakugo asked cautiously. He rubbed his eyes and watched as Todoroki looked up but not at him.

"7:11." Bakugo followed his gaze and seen a clock there next to him. He mentally slapped himself and placed his feet on the floor. "Sorry I didn't know what time you usually wake up." Todoroki said as he watched the blonde stand up and stretch.

"Tis fine." Bakugo muttered and yawned once more. He patted the boy on the head and combed through this hair. Messing it up completely but it did not seem to bother the younger. "I'm gonna go get dressed. See ya." Bakugo said as he opened the door and gave a small wave as he closed it on his way out.

Father: I need to speak to you this weekend.


Todoroki waited till class was over and walked out the door. It was only lunch but it seemed like this day only took forever. There was so many reason why his father needed to speak to him this weekend. Maybe he wants to train. Maybe it's something about Christmas. Maybe it's about his brother. Maybe his grade is slipping. There was so many things that ran around his head. All seeming more reasonable than the last.

"Hey," A familiar voice came up next to him. It was the same thing everyday. He walked in the hallway and Bakugo would catch up to him. Todoroki glanced at the blonde to acknowledge his presence. They walked to cafeteria with a silence behind them. He pursed his lips into a thin line. He could only dread the future on what could happen this weekend.
"Soo," Bakugo started, extending the 'o'. Todoroki only looked at him from the corner of his eye. Bakugo didn't really know what to say but he decided to improvise with his conversation.
"The gang they said they wanted to hang out with you." Bakugo mumbled. They had talked to him earlier and told him how he was practically stealing the boy from them and not sharing the time with them. Todoroki sensed a but.

"Do they want to see me right now?" Todoroki asked. He turned his head completely to face the blonde. He didn't mind if they did want to see him right now. Matter of fact, he could use the distraction.

"They wanted to take you to the mall this weekend. They kept bugging me about it all week actually." Bakugo said as he rolled his eyes at the memory. Todoroki froze for a split second before continuing to walk. Of course it was this weekend. Maybe he can squeeze them into his schedule. Or better yet, he can just not go to see his father.

"What day?" Todoroki said as he soften his gaze at the blonde. Bakugo walked quiet for a moment before squinting his eyes as he tried to remember.

"Why don't you ask them?" Bakugo said, in order words that he doesn't remember and wants the boy to ask instead. He pushed open the door for the cafeteria and was hit with the smell of different kinds of food and the warmth of all the bodies being in one place. Todoroki flickered his eyes for a moment before landing to the ground. They stood in line for the food. Bakugo noticed the delay response from the boy.

"I'll ask." Todoroki said as he grabbed his tray and waited for Bakugo to get his. Then, they walked over to the table, not theirs but the Bakusquad. Todoroki immediately regretted it and slight panic filled in his stomach. He sighed softly to relax himself and shoved the feeling deep down.

"Oi, shitheads!" Bakugo yelled as his stare was blank. They all stopped talking and their attention went to them. Bakugo looked at boy for a few seconds but knew he wasn't going to say anything.
"What day do you want to take him to the mall?" Bakugo mumbled as he motioned his head towards the boy. Mina squealed with delight.

"So you want to come with us this weekend!" She yelled while getting up from her seat. Todoroki, startled at the reaction nodded. Mina could faint as she thought of all the fun things they could do at the mall.

"Raccoon eyes! Don't get so fucking hyper, what day are you taking him?"Bakugo yelled as he pushed her down to her seat. Mina whined and pouted. But then she changed her facial expression immediately as she remembered what they were doing.

"Oh! Saturday would be great we could stay out a bit longer!" Mina said as she smiled so much her cheeks covering a bit of her eyes. Todoroki soften his face as he wished he could be as happy like her, be able to smile so big like that. But he was taken out of his trance when he suddenly thought if he could make it that day. He'd have to squeeze them in but that didn't mind, maybe he could join them after his talk with his father. But then again, he didn't know when his father wanted to speak with him.

"Okay. Thank you." Todoroki said as he began to walk away with the blonde right on his tail. He heard the chatter come from the table, plans about what to do at the mall. They sat down at the table. Todoroki's leg began to suddenly bounce up and down though. But Bakugo didn't seem to notice yet. He didn't want him to see it so he focused on eating. He swallowed the first bite of soba before pulling out his phone and going to messages.

Me: What time do you wish to see me?

Words 1187

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