38: In Denial

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Todoroki couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. No. This can't be happening. Why? He didn't want to like Bakugo. He liked him as a friend, right? He doesn't want to ruin the relationship with Bakugo. He grew so close to the blonde over the past year. He can't be in love with him. He's going to ruin everything they build up in the last year. 

Todoroki didn't even know if he was into guys, nor did he know if Bakugo was either. This is wrong. They are just friends. He keeps saying that to himself but it just sounds wrong. What if he tells Bakugo this and Bakugo doesn't feel the same and leaves him? What if he's not okay with it? What if he makes him uncomfortable? What if-

"Hey, you okay?" Bakugo placed a firm hand on his shoulder, making Todoroki flinch. He didn't even know he was shaking until he felt his body freeze. Bakugo was a little more concerned about Todoroki lately. He's always fidgeting with his hands, he's really quiet than normal, hardly talks anymore, and he's been distancing himself from Bakugo. He didn't know why Todoroki was doing it. He thought it was something he did but nothing comes to mind.

Todoroki nodded his head and scooted away from Bakugo. The blonde noticed this and felt hurt. But he continued to eat non the less. Todoroki started at his plate filled with cold soba. He hesitantly grabbed his chopsticks and slowly began eating.

He's going to be living with Bakugo soon. He can't have these feelings when they live together. Maybe it's just a phase and everything will go back to normal. Maybe he can lose these feelings before the end of the year. He can't have these strong feelings for him.

Bakugo had just finished eating and laid his head back. He was thinking of all the stuff that he did when he was with Todoroki. Maybe something he did or said made him uncomfortable. Was it because of the compliments he gave Todoroki? More like flirting but was it weirding him out? He thought it was harmless, maybe he should stop..

The silence between them was awkward. Usually it would be a peaceful one where the two could relax, but this was painfully awkward. The loud chatters around them seem to relax them a bit, helping that it wasn't just pure silent. Neither of them said a word that period.


Todoroki laid in bed, confused with all this stuff. It was bad enough that school was ending, now he has to figure out what to do with his feelings. He tightened his grip on his blanket. This was tiring. He curled up on himself. These thoughts wouldn't leave him alone.

Does Todoroki like guys? He himself did not know. He didn't really seem to focus on that type of stuff. It never once came across his mind. He wasn't much of the type for relationship. Sure, there were a lot of women that came up to him and confessed their love for him but he kindly turned them down. He didn't seem to understand love and being committed into a relationship. His mother and father sure weren't a good demonstration. They were only together to create the perfect child. They probably weren't even in love.

A sudden knock startled him out of his thoughts. But it wasn't the one that was familiar to him. It was someone else. He stayed quiet and hoped the person would leave him alone. But they didn't and continued knocking. A sigh escaped his lips and he got up from his comfortable bed and to the door.

"Kirishima?" Todoroki relaxed his features and tilted his head. Confused, why was he here? The red head gave him a small grin, showing his sharp teeth.

"Hey Todoroki, can I speak to you for a moment?" He asked as his smile slowly faded away. Todoroki pursed his lips. It was only him so it shouldn't worry him.

He moved to the side for the red head to come in. Kirishima walked inside and calmly sat down on the bed. Todoroki closed the door and sat down next to him. It was quiet for a few minutes. Todoroki didn't know if he should speak first or wait for the red head.

"Is..everything okay with you and Bakugo?" Kirishima finally spoke up. Todoroki's face soften. Was something wrong with Bakugo? He didn't mean to hurt Bakugo's feeling, he just wanted to get rid of the ones he had for the blonde.

"Why? Is he okay?" Todoroki asked, completely avoiding Kirishima's question first. The red head didn't look at him, he just stared at the floor patting.

"..I don't know man, he's just quiet lately and he is been training a little aggressive. Usually he would come to me with his problems but he's just quiet which is weird." Kirishima mumbled. Todoroki widen his eyes. There was so many things he was thinking. He doesn't really know what to do in these kind of situations. Kirishima basically ranted to him. Should he tell the red head? But this was Bakugo's best friend. What if he told Bakugo about the way he felt towards him? Then Bakugo would stop hanging out with him.

No, I can't think like that. It's okay. I trust Kirishima.

"Is there anything that happened between you guys?" Kirishima asked once more. If Todoroki didn't tell him then he didn't know how to help the two, Bakugo already wasn't telling him. Todoroki hesitated, it was silent but the red head could see that the boy wanted to speak. Should he use like or love? Was it a strong feeling? What did Yaoyorozu tell him? That he loved Bakugo or liked him? Maybe it was something for him to figure out on his own.

"I..I like Bakugo." He whispered out. It was barely audible and went with the word liked. Kirishima didn't say anything which made Todoroki look up at him to see the reaction. It was..happy?

"Are you serious?" Kirishima asked, a smile was fighting to form on his lips but he didn't want to get his hopes up. He didn't know Todoroki meant like a friend way like or a romantic like.
"Like you like Bakugo as a friend or more?" Kirishima pressed. Todoroki pursed his lips. His face felt red. He looked down at his hands that were fidgeting.

"M-more.." Todoroki stuttered. He cursed himself out mentally. Kirishima let the huge grin that was fighting show on his lips.

"Oh my god that's great!" Kirishima said, he ran his hand through his hair which was down. Todoroki looked at him confused. He was taking this a whole different way than Todoroki thought. He was happy because he liked Bakugo?

"How?" Todoroki asked. He wanted to say more but bit his tongue to keep him from telling him anymore. He already knew Todoroki liked Bakugo. He doesn't want him to know more. Kirishima blinked out of his daze and looked at the boy who didn't seem as happy as he was. Did he not see the signs Bakugo was giving him?

"I-I mean it's just great that you aren't mad at him or you guys didn't get in a argument." Kirishima smiled sheepishly. He didn't want to tell Todoroki that Bakugo liked him. That was for the blonde to tell him. And god knows how long till he tells him. Todoroki sighed softly.

"Can you not tell Bakugo about it? I don't want to make him uncomfortable.." Todoroki asked. Kirishima looked back at the boy and nodded.

"Don't worry man, my lips are sealed." Kirishima smiled a bit softer. Todoroki nodded. I guess that information cheered Kirishima up. It was better than leaving him thinking him and Bakugo were in a fight or something.

Words 1315

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