17: Lunch with Friends

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The next day, Todoroki seemed slightly nervous for lunch. Maybe it was the fact that he was going to sit at a table with other people then Bakugo or his friends. He was going to sit at a table with Bakugo's friends. He had one time spend time with Mina but that still didn't help the situation. Or maybe he was overreacting. Yeah, he definitely was overreacting. Todoroki was the last to leave the classroom. He looked around for Bakugo, he found him and almost relieved when he saw his crimson eyes but then four heads popped behind him.

"Oh hey Todoroki!" Kaminari chirped with a wave. The boy gave a small wave back. Bakugo looked him up and down. All eyes were on him. Like as if he was supposed to say something.

All. Eyes. Were. On. Him.

Todoroki didn't like this. It was super quiet. He felt like the light was being shined on him. His face was getting sweaty, he felt hot. His face was probably burning up and red. He sunk back. His shoulders sorta blocking him as he folded his arms across his chest. Not to seem tough, but to sorta hind himself.

"Come on, shitheads. Before our table gets taken." Bakugo said as he walked towards Todoroki and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, bringing him along.

"Psh that would never happen." Kaminari scoffed.

"Remember that one time we all started talking for like ten minutes then-" Mina started talking. But Todoroki tuned her out.

"You sure you're okay hanging out with them for lunch?" Bakugo whispered softly only for Todoroki to hear. Todoroki could only nodded. He felt safe around Bakugo's arm. He let out a sigh he didn't even realize he was holding, but it came out shaky. Bakugo heard it and squeezed his shoulder softly before giving a small smile at the boy.

They all walked to the cafeteria. The group was mainly taking. It felt weird, almost strange. Todoroki would only walk to lunch with Bakugo and it would be silent. It felt weird to have other people walk with him to lunch. Maybe he shouldn't eat in front of them. But then they would notice he wasn't eating and ask him. Maybe he should bail out while he still can. But then he'd felt bad because he told Bakugo he would hang out with them for lunch. Maybe-

"Relax. You're just getting your food and sitting at the table. If you want you can sit at the edge." Bakugo mumbled in his ear, making it not seem noticeable. Bakugo noticed him fidgeting with his hands. He felt how tense the boy was. And he almost turned to walk a different direction to a different table and away from the others. They got their tray of food and headed to the table. Everyone had started eating. Todoroki stared at food for a few seconds. His left leg bouncing increased. As promised, he sat near the edge and Bakugo next to him, Kirishima right next to him. He picked at his food. Why was he so nervous? He knows these people. They're his classmates.

"Kiribabe, remember that one time where you went swimming with Kaminari and you jumped in the pool and Kami thought there was a shark in the pool?" Mina snorted as she laughed. Kaminari whined at the recalled memory. Kirishima laughed as so did Sero. Bakugo only rolled his eyes at the dummy. Todoroki let out a quiet sigh as he tried to calm himself down. He took a bite of soba and silently began to eat.

"Oh my god it was one time!" Kaminari exclaimed with his hand that had his pointer finger up. His face tinted red as he was embarrassed.

"Actually twice. Remember when we all went to the pool that summer and we'd seen it with our own eyes." Sero interjected with a statement. Kaminari whined even more as he hid his face in his hands. Todoroki listen carefully as he ate. Bakugo noticed how he was quiet but he didn't say anything about it, he knows how he likes to be quiet especially when there's more people at the table.

"Oh really so that's what you guys are doing huh? Pick on Kaminari for todays lunch." He yelled as if he had something in store which he did.
"Alright! So we're just gonna pretend that you guys all didn't almost pee you pants when I jumped in the pool using my quirk on!" Kaminari smirked. Bakugo choked on his water as they all remember the event. Todoroki was now intrigued in this story. Sure, he would understand how scared they were but the way Bakugo choked on his water made him pick his head up from his food and look at the yellowed hair boy. Kaminari made eye contact with Todoroki.
"Oh so you haven't heard the story, huh Todoroki?" The boy held a glint in his eye. The boy shook his head. His leg also stopped bouncing as he wanted to hear the story.

"Shut up Denki!" Kirishima yelled as he pointed at him with his fork. Kaminari smirked and ignored him instead looking back at Todoroki who waited patiently for him to speak.

"So it's was a few weeks after I thought Kirishima was a shark," Kaminari paused before taking a bite of his food and swallowing it.
"And I got tired of them teasing me with it," Todoroki continued to eat as he listened carefully to the boy.
"So the next time, I'd swore to myself I'd active my quirk before jumping it," he said while gesturing stuff with his hands. He reminded him of Midoriya when he used to ramble.
"And so they were all getting comfy in the pool," Todoroki just thought of Bakugo shirtless, he didn't know why.
"Then I said, 'guys you wanna rate my jump?' And they were like, 'sure' so I ran to the pool and yelled 'Cannonball!' And I turned on my quirk," Kaminari began to start laughing. Bakugo grumbled some cuss words underneath his breath. Todoroki looked at him with wide eyes like a puppy as he waited for him to finish.
"A-And they all started to scramble out of the pool as they screamed like a pack of hyenas!" Kaminari said as he began to start crying from laughter. Todoroki bit his bottom lip as he refrained himself from laughing as he could imagine Bakugo trying to get out of the water. Bakugo glanced at him at couldn't help but smile at the sight. Everyone else was hanging their heads low from embarrassment so they couldn't see him. Todoroki brought his hand to him mouth and covered the smile that laid underneath it.

Suddenly he didn't even remember why he was so nervous it the first place.

Words 1139

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