4: Extra Uniform

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"Hey. You okay?" Bakugo asked, looking into those intoxicated crimson eyes were filled with worry. He turned away, he couldn't face those eyes. He couldn't face anyone. Bakugo frowed as he noticed.

"Thank you. And..I'm sorry." Todoroki whispered out, barely audible. He moved the blazer up, covering him slightly. Bakugo glanced at it before walking ahead. He felt bad for the boy. Almost sorry. Especially when he whispered it out. He couldn't even look anyone it the eyes. He noticed how he still hadn't answered his question. He was soaked. Completely.

"I have an extra uniform if you don't have any." Bakugo mumbled. Todoroki didn't want to take anything from anyone. But he doesn't think he had an extra uniform. So he didn't have much of a choice. Todoroki nodded. He wasn't used to talk so much. He has improved a little since his first year but it's just been getting worse now. Bakugo took that as a hint that he didn't have a extra uniform. But then he noticed how he was shaking, very slightly but still noticeable. He sighed, wanting to kill those stupid extras for doing this.

He brought Todoroki close and put his arm around his shoulder, bringing him close for warmth. Todoroki flinched and the taller noticed. But then he didn't want to push away. Todoroki noticed how his body didn't want to push Bakugo away. He noticed how he was slightly similar to Midoriya. Maybe he thinks Bakugo as a best friend. But whatever it was he didn't want Bakugo to let go. He was never really fond of physical touch like this but when it was coming from Bakugo he enjoyed it.
The blonde boy noticed this too. He smiled slightly, knowing how Todoroki couldn't see it either way. Eventually they made it to the locker room.

"Stay put I'll be back." Bakugo gestured with his hands. Todoroki didn't say anything and waited for him to come back. Water drops would fall at the tip of his hair. His clothes were slightly dripping also. He looked back down at his shoes, seeing how they were slightly wet. It made him wonder if he was even dry on a part of his body. Eventually Bakugo came back with folded clothes in his hands. "Here." He gave the clothes to him and turned around. "Do you want me to leave?" He said instead. Todoroki shook his head but then mentally slapped himself because Bakugo couldn't see him.

"N-no you can stay." He said. Bakugo hummed and turned his head to face the other direction. Todoroki was grateful that he was being kind to him. Then he started to change. He gently took down the blazer and placed it on the bench. Then he unbuttoned his shirt. Letting it slide off his body. Then he placed the new shirt on, then took off his wet pants and putting new ones on. But that's when he noticed that the extra uniform didn't have a blazer. He looked at Bakugo who was still turned around and was gonna say something but kept his mouth shut.

"Are you done?" Bakugo asked, with a slight tone of politeness. Todoroki hummed as he nodded. Bakugo turned around and looked him up and down before meeting his eyes. He seen the same thing he had seen a few weeks ago. No sparkle. No flare. It was as if his soul was completely shut off, dead. Todoroki looked into Bakugo's crimson eyes, and saw slight sadness with guilt. He didn't know why though. They stared like that for a minute or longer before Todoroki was getting uncomfortable. He then noticed that Bakugo had gotten closer to him.
He looked away and grabbed the blazer from the bench before walking up to him.

"Here you go." Todoroki spoke. As if it was like the first thing he said all day. His voice slightly hoarse but barely noticeable. He held it up slightly in front of him, waiting for him to take it. Bakugo chuckled slightly/softly.

"It's fine you can use it." Bakugo said. Todoroki felt bad and it showed it in his eyes.
"Wannabe pinky pie dirty my other one with pink shit, so I used that extra one since." Bakugo explained, with a pained smile on his face filled with irritation.

"But.." Todoroki started but couldn't say anything else. He didn't want to take this offer. Bakugo was already giving him more than what he need. He was being kind. Bakugo looked at him with a look in his eyes. Knowing that nothing will come out. Todoroki sighed before giving up and putting the blazer on.

"You need it to be Mr. Goodie two shoes." Bakugo laughed slightly. Todoroki was confused at first but then realized. He wanted to laugh slightly but he didn't. They walked out together and along the school.
"Do you wanna go back to lunch?" Bakugo asked. He glanced at the boy from the corner of his eyes, patiently waiting for a response. Todoroki really didn't want to. Especially since everyone was worried about him. He didn't want them to be worried for him. But where else could he go? There was no where else, maybe back to the dorms but that's a bit of a far walk. And by the time they would be in their dorms in would be next period. He looked down at the ground. Bakugo took notice and took that as a no.
"Don't worry I know a place to go." Bakugo smiled and held his hand out for him to take. Todoroki looked at him confused, he was asking him to go with him, to touch his hand. For some reason that made Todoroki's heart skip a beat.

He probably should ask a doctor for that..

He took his hand, hesitatingly. They started running, Todoroki being dragged by him. This felt weird..
He was taking his mind of the incident. Bakugo smiled at him before looking ahead. Todoroki felt different. He let a very very small smile crawl in his lips. Eventually Bakugo opened the door to show the rooftop.

"It's not much but it's better than the cafeteria." Bakugo reminded. Todoroki hummed and followed Bakugo to the floor and sat down. They enjoyed the silence. The wind that flew through them, through their hair. It was nice. And calm. Bakugo took a glance of Todoroki from the corner of his eyes and seen his relaxed. It was like this was the first time he was finally able to relax, which it was. He held his eyes open until he closed them.
His face before held tiredness, sadness, tense, but then it wouldn't hold any emotions at all. But now it looked like all that went away. He finally felt relaxed. Bakugo smiled softly before looking away and closing his eyes.
They stayed like that for the rest of the lunch period.

Words 1154

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