2: No flame

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"Watch where your going Scarface." Someone had shoulder passed him, nearly knocking him off his balance. He sighed softly. This has gotten frequently now. It was never this bad since a few years ago.
He just want to pass his last year, was that too much to ask? "Got something to say?" He threatened before grabbing his neck collar and bringing him close, breath touching.

"Leave him alone!" A feminine voice yelped. She pulled them away. Pushing the other boy slightly harder. It was Uraraka. Her blazer was off and she had her sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

"Or what? Your too weak to do anything." He got closer to her face but was slightly bending down to reach her height. She had a scowl on her face, she gave him the hardest glare as if looks could kill.

"It's okay Uraraka-San." Todoroki gently pulled her back, his hand carefully on her shoulders. He wasn't used to touching other people. Actually he can't think of the last time he willing touched someone; besides from training. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she saw the pleading look in his eyes. The boy noticed an took advantage of it.

"That's right listen to the freak." He laughed. Todoroki looked down to the side, his bangs falling along to cover his eyes. She growled and was about to say something but was caught off by someone else.

"Oi!" They all turned and seen Bakugo there. His hands in his pockets before they were taken out, his blazer tied around his waist. "Fuck off you damn bastard." He grumbled.

"Make me." The boy taunted. Ooo he was really asking for a death wish. Bakugo let out deep chuckle, close to a villains laugh. You could sorta feel the vibration in his throat. The boy slightly shivered but still held his guard.

"Do you really want me to?" Bakugo smirked slightly. The boy eventually shuddered and shook his head. "That's what I thought, now walk away." The boy ran before tripping slightly. It made Bakugo laugh. He looked at the two, well, more at Uraraka. Todoroki was still looking slightly down, his bangs were covering his eyes so you couldn't see his eyes.

"Thanks Bakugo!" The bubbly girl chirped. She smiled big at him. The blonde rolled his eyes but smiled. Todoroki took noticed. He was never like this. People really do change. For good or for worse. But so far, Bakugo is changing for the good. He wanted to smile back but he couldn't. It's not like he didn't want to, he just hasn't smiled brightly in a while.

"Thank you again Bakugo.." Todoroki muttered. Bakugo looked up at him and seen his straight face, but he saw beneath those heterochromia eyes were slight guilt. It pained him to see them, even if it was just for a second since once he looked into them Todoroki looked away. He walked up to them and was gonna say something to the slightly shorter boy but was stopped when Uraraka talked.

"You shouldn't let people like that bully you!" She told Todoroki. He hummed, seeing how if she told him why he didn't do anything, she'll probably tell him to stand up for himself. She sighed, seeing how if she said anything he still wouldn't say anything. She smiled sweetly but softly at him before waving goodbye.

He hated this. He hated having other people to worry about him. He hated having people to protect him. He hated being cared of. He is used to dealing with this kind of stuff on his own. He hugged himself gently. Trying to stop thinking. He didn't even realize that Bakugo was still there.

"Hey." He spoke gently. Todoroki flinched, even if it was just one word and he said it gently, it still startled him. He looked over to him, noticing how much closer he was than he last saw him. "Is everything okay?" And there it was. The question that someone asks when they notice something is wrong. The question that Todoroki hates. Everything was fine, why wouldn't it be?

"Yeah everything is fine." Todoroki mumbled. He didn't bother looking at him that time. He wanted to go to his room, curl up into a ball and act like everything was fine because everything is okay. Bakugo knew straight away that it was a lie. He noticed how softly he said it, like he was even scared to even answer him. He noticed how he couldn't even look at him. A small frown made it's way to Bakugo's lips. "Sorry for bothering you, again.." He mumbled. Then he walked off, not even bothering to wait for a reply.

"Wait." Bakugo gently grabbed his wrist. A part of him wanted to move slowly down to his hand, but didn't. "Look at me," He spoke gently, like trying to convince a child that it wouldn't hurt if you put alcohol on a bleeding area it wouldn't burn, it would. Todoroki took a second, before slowly moving his head to face him. He didn't even look him in the eyes. "In the eyes." He let out a small sigh and moved his heterochromia to look into Bakugo's crimson ones.

It was then Bakugo realized the true emotions that were hiding in him. He seen slightly bags under his eyes, showing tiredness in his eyes. He seen guilt. Sadness. His motivation to even live was even gone. When Bakugo would look at him in the eyes before, he would see a flare in them. A flare that had motivation to become a hero. A emotion that held strong in his eyes. But now.. he seen nothing. His eyes looked completely dead. There was no sparkle in them. He gasped ever so slightly. Todoroki took notice of his reaction and pulled away. Thinking that he looked ugly. Or his eyes were disgusting.

"I'm sorry." He whispered out before walking away. Bakugo wanted to chase after him but he couldn't move.
Where was the Todoroki that would have never let anyone look down on him?
Where was the Todoroki who would never let anyone push him around?
Where was the Todoroki that saved him when he was kidnapped?

Where was the Todoroki Bakugo knew and slightly loved..?

Words 1052
Happy Easter 🐣

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