33: Cold

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March 29th

Todoroki hasn't been getting better. He might be getting a small cold. He's been getting colder and weaker, losing control of quirks in battle. He gets light headed and nearly passes out. He can't take a sick day, no that's the last of his problem. He doesn't want to take school off because he's sick. He can walk it off. He doesn't want to miss a day without his friends, this was the last time he'll see them for a while. Maybe years.

His alarm was yelling at him to get up. Though his mind was awake, his body was not. He couldn't move, not even to turn his clock off. He was freezing, blankets and sweaters were on. It was so cold. He couldn't control his fire quirk, he was trembling with all this warmth in him, sweat was building up but he was cold. Get up.

He threw the blankets off, he was wearing Bakugo's sweater and a long sleeve shirt underneath, thick joggers to keep him warm but nothing worked since he was shivering. He turned off his clock before it could wake anyone else up. He sat up. He took a glance at his hands, they were turning light blue. He was now a little more concerned, but that didn't stop him from getting dressed. He wouldn't take a sick day.

He looked in his drawer for gloves and put them on. Hopefully this could help the cold. He grabbed his bag and walked out the door. He was freezing, cold. He felt like curling up in a blanket and staying in there till he warms up.

He walked to school. It was a nice day, the wind barely blowing but to Todoroki, it felt like winter. Every single wind was like ice rushing through him. He felt worse than this morning. His nose and cheeks were red. He wasn't coughing, he was just cold. Maybe it's not a fever.

He walked into class, dreading for the day to be over all ready. Hopefully, no one will notice. He sat down in his seat and waited for class to start.


Throughout the entire class period, his classmates were asking him if he was okay. Telling him that his nose was red and asked why he was wearing gloves. He didn't like them worrying about him. They don't need to know. Bakugo didn't say anything at first but as class took forever, they had a small break and he walked over to the boy.

"Are you okay? Your nose is really red and your face is pale as fuck." Bakugo worried, barely able to contain himself from grabbing his face and examining it more. It felt way worse when Bakugo was worried about him. He didn't like it.

"Yeah I'm fine." Todoroki mumbled, his lip trembling after he spoke, he bit down. He left the part out where he is freezing right now and can't use his heat to warm himself up.

"Bullshit, your entire body shivering." Bakugo lowered his voice so only Todoroki hear. The boy looked down.
"Why don't you use your left side to warm yourself at least?" Bakugo watched as he noticed Todoroki's body flinch at the slightest. A mumble was heard from him.
"What?" Bakugo leaned closer to the boy.

"I can't use my left side.." Todoroki whispered. Bakugo looked at him, confused and tilted his head.

"Why not?" Bakugo asked. He wondered if he chose not to. If he was having trouble accepting his left side once more and not wanting to use his fire. Todoroki sat quiet. He himself did not know.

"I'm not sure." Todoroki mumbled. He's so cold. This is not normal, he should be used to this temperature. He has an ice quirk for fucks sake. Why is he shivering?

"How long?" Bakugo asked. He was cautious and making sure nobody else watching them talk. He knew how Todoroki didn't like a lot of attention on him. The boy was silent. He didn't speak. Bakugo took a moment to gather his memory, all the days that passed. Wait..
"Was it after we fought?" Bakugo asked, genuinely concerned at this point. Todoroki glanced up, Bakugo looked in his eyes, he was tired and obviously cold.

"It was a little before but it's gotten worse." Todoroki whispered. Even his breath came out icy. Bakugo noticed that too. The boy looked back down, avoiding the stare from the blonde.

"Why didn't you say you couldn't use your quirk instead of your couldn't control it?" Bakugo whispered, a little more aggressively. Todoroki looked up. He didn't want to say because he was weak. Because he went past his limit during one of his training days. Because he didn't want to worry him, or anyone. He didn't feel good. His head was hurting.

"I'm sorry I thought-"

"Alright class break is over." Aizawa cut Todoroki off. Everyone went silent and soon went back to their seats. Bakugo gave Todoroki a concerned look, Todoroki saw that he didn't want to leave him. But he had to, it would be better for them. Especially Todoroki, he needs to gather his thoughts. Eventually Bakugo walked back to his desk, his hands put his in his pockets. He needs to speak to Todoroki after this.


After class, it was lunch. Where Todoroki knew Bakugo would ask him questions. He gathered his stuff together and walked out the door. Outside, Bakugo was already waiting for him, leaning against the wall. Todoroki took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the blonde. He could barely feel his feet. His hands still in gloves, though it was pointless since they were still cold. Bakugo looked up at him, his facial expression was worried, concerned, but angry. He didn't seem that angry but it seemed like he was angry and Todoroki. Probably because he didn't tell Bakugo this.

"When did it happened?" Bakugo asked, standing up straight. Todoroki clenched his grip on his bag. He lowered his eyes.
"Todoroki, when did it fucking happen?" Bakugo said, a little more bite into his tone. Todoroki bit his lip. Bakugo walked closed to the boy. Todoroki flickered his eyes at the boy.
"I swear to god Todoroki if you-"

"It happen when I was training and went overboard with my ice." Todoroki muttered out. He shivered as he felt himself turn colder. Bakugo stopped in his tracks. He knew a little about the side affects of overworking your quirk, he's done it himself and it wasn't good. Todoroki didn't say anything.

The tip of his fingers were numb now. He took off his gloves, they were turning blue. Bakugo didn't seem to notice and was looking down at the ground. His fingers were getting frostbite. They need to regain warmth. He tried using his heat but it wasn't working. He tried using his ice and it worked but it made him colder, a wave of frost overcame his body. He hissed as he felt his lungs cold. Bakugo looked up and noticed immediately took action and grabbed the boy.

"You're going to see Recovery Girl." Bakugo held him up. Todoroki couldn't feel anything except cold. His body was freezing. He wasn't sweating this time, he was just plain cold, inside and out.

"N-no..!" Todoroki gritted through his teeth. He didn't want to see her. He didn't want help. He was fine, he can just warm himself up.

"Yes Todoroki! You're literally turning into a popsicle!" Bakugo's voice rose, thankfully no one was there. Todoroki was shaking violently in the blonde's arms.

"No I'm fine I don't need her!" Todoroki tried pushing the blonde off but it only made Bakugo hold a tighter grip on him. He doesn't need help. No..

"Todoroki come on!"

"No I'm not going!" He's fine. He doesn't need to see recovery girl. He doesn't want to miss school. He doesn't want to miss a day with his classmates. This was their last year together. He doesn't want to lose anymore time with them.

"Shoto, you're going to see her!" Bakugo used his given name, it sounded so foreign. Todoroki has never heard him say his name, only nicknames that were given to him. Todoroki stopped moving and let his head drop, his bangs covering his eyes, making it difficult for Bakugo to see him. He let himself be dragged to Recovery Girl.

Words 1399

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