5: Panic Attack

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November 26th. That's the day today. They had a few more months of school. Then, it will be time to for all of them to become hero's. It's crazy to think about it. It was like they were in their first yesterday.

Todoroki was in dorm, working on..well he wasn't working on anything really. They were on their thanksgiving break. And it was nearly over but that didn't make him go home and visit his family. That's what everyone was doing. They were taking this time to visit their family. But not Todoroki. He didn't want to. He couldn't barely look them in the eyes. He did miss his sister dearly but he just couldn't bring himself to visit her. Todoroki sighed but then he decided to go the common room. His room felt too much at home.

He walked down the hallway. His footsteps echoing through out the hallway. Barely anyone was here. It was just Todoroki. He made his way to the elevator and pushed the button to go down. It was quite, maybe a little too quite for his liking. He got off the elevator and walked to the couch. He didn't know what to do so he just went on his phone. He scrolled and scrolled but nothing seemed to entertain him. He laid himself down and continued eventually he fell asleep. This was probably the first time in a while he was able to sleep.

A few peaceful hours passed. He was sleeping like a baby. So adorable. Soon, the door started to opened. The person came inside. He sighed and took off his shoes there since there was slight snow on them. Then he took off his coat and scarf. It was Bakugo. He was finally undressed and threw his stuff on the couch, little did he know he threw he coat and scarf on Todoroki. The boy made a grunt but did not wake up. Bakugo flinched at the noise and turned. He walked slowly to the couch and took his stuff off him. He widen his eyes slightly, he sighed before taking his stuff to his room.

A few minutes passed and he came back with a blanket. He threw it on the boy and covered him. He smiled gently as he knew this was the first time in awhile he was getting sleep. The eye bags showed very clearly, especially with his pale skin, nothing could hide from it. Bakugo sat down on the farther side of the couch and went on his phone. He stayed like that till Todoroki woke up. It was only the two of them in the dorms. No one else.

"I can't raise him anymore.."

"Everyday he looks more like his father."

"S-STAY AWAY!" His mother screamed. His own mother. She was against the wall, on the floor. Todoroki was scared but worried for his mother. He was 4 almost going to turn 5 in a week. He held his hand out for her but she flinched which made him flinch also.

"Momma? I'm sorry I scare you.." Todoroki whimpered out. She had tears running down her face. She shouldn't act like this. For god sake he's her son. She shouldn't be scared of him. She gripped her hair and cried softly. Todoroki frowned and slowly went closer, he touched her with his hand gently to let her know he was there before hugging her. She stopped and looked at him. Todoroki was hugging her. She felt bad and hugged him back. Squeezing him tightly.

"I'm so sorry Shoto.. you don't deserve this." She whispered while crying. Todoroki hugged her back. Hiding his face into her chest while gripping her shirt with his small hands.

"SHOTO WHERE ARE YOU!?" His father yelled. His mother flinched at the sound of his voice and tensed up. She pulled Todoroki away from the hug and looked at him.

"I want you to know I always will love you, okay?" His mother whispered. She knew what was gonna happen to him in a week. She knew what he was gonna go through. He was gonna go through the same thing Touya went through.

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