7: An Offer

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December 15. Only two days had passed. Christmas around the corner. He sighed as his teacher began to tell them that next week they have two weeks off for Christmas break. That was two weeks for Todoroki. Two weeks that Todoroki was gonna shut himself in the dorm. He didn't want to visit his family. Not like it worked out in his second year. He doesn't like to speak about that. Everyone was asking him how it went. Having the number one hero as a father and having Christmas with him. He hated that title. Todoroki respected him as a hero. Never a father.

"Todoroki, are you paying any attention?" Aizawa pointed him out. A few eyes laid on him. He felt very uncomfortable with all the attention laid on him. He nodded slightly. Aizawa held concern in his eyes for his student. He sighed softly before going back to the topic. Not wanting to pressure him any further. All eyes went back to the front. Except for two crimson eyes that looked at him worriedly. Soon enough they went back to Aizawa. I really shouldn't zone out like that.. Todoroki thought to himself but yet he couldn't help but do it again.

What would happen if he dropped out of school? But why? He was almost done with his last year. It'd be a shame for all his work to just go down the drain. But the crazy thing he always thought was..
What if he joined his brother? It was a crazy thought, Todoroki knew that. But..he'd finally be with his brother, after years. But he knew that wouldn't/couldn't happen. He had to be the hero to save him. To save citizens. Touya was..supposed to be his hero.

The bell had rung. Startling Todoroki out of his thoughts and overthinking. "Todoroki, before you leave I need a talk with you." His teacher said. Great.. Todoroki mentally said to himself. It was one of the thing that scared him. When one of his teachers wanted to speak with him alone. That was when he either they he was slacking off or he didn't mask his emotions good enough. He put his stuff away anyways and waited until everyone was out of the classroom. He walked slowly to the front of the class where his teacher was waiting for him. "Todoroki is everything okay?" He asked softly. Todoroki nodded. Everything was fine. Why wouldn't it be?
"You were zoning out a lot frequently this week." He said. Todoroki couldn't hold the eye contact anymore. He looked down at the floor while fiddling with his bag slightly.
"I heard some of the students have started to mess with you," Todoroki flinched at that. He hated when his teachers started worrying about him. If he really had to choose with his friends worrying over him or the teachers he rather have his friends. He didn't like the older attention on him. "I just wanna make sure everything is okay." He said as he gently and carefully placed his hand on his shoulder. Todoroki flinched slightly but tried to shrug it off. Aizawa still noticed and moved his hand away. The older sighed before giving up seeing how he wasn't getting a response out of the younger.
"If anything is wrong you can come see me, okay?" Aizawa said. Todoroki nodded as he still held his head down. "You may leave." Todoroki walked out of the classroom and slid the door closed. Not really except anyone there until he heard a voice that came from behind.

"Hey." Bakugo spoke. Todoroki flinched violently before turning around. Todoroki rolled his eyes in irritation before looking away. "What's wrong?" Bakugo asked as he leaned off the wall. Todoroki gave him a look before signing.

"Do you have to eave drop on every conversation I have?" Todoroki folded his arms once he finished. Bakugo scoffed before walking ahead. Todoroki rolled his eyes before following along. The walk was quiet, peaceful. They were headed to the cafeteria to eat. Bakugo sure has been helping Todoroki get passed the few weeks. He really did enjoy his accompany.

"Hey." Bakugo spoke up suddenly. Todoroki slightly flinched but it wasn't noticeable. "What are you gonna do after this school year?" He asked. Todoroki himself didn't know. He wasn't ready for it. He enjoyed his classmates presence. He loved them.. they made him feel at home. And he hasn't felt like that in awhile. Bakugo noticed the long silence. He took a side glance over and saw the other. His arms slightly folded/crossed. Slightly rubbing up and down.

"I..don't know, what about you?" He asked softly. Bakugo sighed before continuing to have his hands in his pockets as he walked. His face rested and not holding a mean scowl on. The blonde let out a chuckle before finally responding.

"I've saved up some money to get a small house. Nothing big." He answered. The younger hummed in politeness. The quiet began to catch up to them again. Bakugo didn't want that. He wanted to keep Todoroki talking, and so that's what he did.
"Are you still gonna live with the old man?" Bakugo asked. The boy sighed. He didn't really want to. But he didn't have his own money.

"I don't have a choice. I have no where to go." Todoroki replied sheepishly. He started fiddling with his hands. Bakugo glanced at him. He thought about it for a second or longer. It would be random but it might be a shot.

"Do you maybe wanna stay with me for a bit?" Bakugo mumbled. His cheeks slightly tinted. Todoroki looked at him, slight widen eyes.

"N-no I couldn't.." he started. Bakugo looked at him, giving him a 'really?' Look. Todoroki looked down and bit the his bottom lip slightly.

"It doesn't have to be forever, just long enough to get you on your feet. I really don't mind either way. A little bit of company would be great." The blonde said. Todoroki looked at him but this time in the eye. Bakugo took this time to analysis the emotions hidden behind there.

A small spark started to happen..

Words 1034

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