Todoroki peered over his shoulder and watched as Bakugo brought out two big bottles of alcohol, one tequila and the other whisky. Todoroki looked at him with jaw dropped. Bakugo was way to excited for this.
"How do you get this stuff?" Todoroki exclaimed. Bakugo chuckled before grabbing two mini cups from his pocket.
"I pulled some stings with my old hag." Bakugo smirked as he opened the bottle. Todoroki looked back at the door and locked it for safety. He then walked back to the blonde. This brought so many memories from Christmas and flushed red. A part of him want to tell Bakugo not to drink. But then the other part of him said to join him. Bakugo handed the cup and smirked.
"Let's see who gets drunker first." Bakugo's grin grew while he held his own cup. Todoroki accepted his challenge..
.When Todoroki was drunk, he didn't care about the world. He didn't care about what he was doing, he didn't care about a single thing. He would care the next morning when he was sobered up and realized what he did. But while Todoroki is drunk, he feels more relaxed and he just lets loose. Bakugo noticed this as he watched the boy carefully. His entire face was flushed and he showed more emotions than normal. He giggled and smiled at the stupidest thing he did, he literally tripped and fell to his knees. Bakugo smiled as he took another drink.
Todoroki obviously lost the challenge. Bakugo was gonna help him on the bed and tell him he had enough, but the boy refused and he would drink more. Bakugo then noticed the way he was drinking. His eyes glossy and his lip quivering. His stand was wobbly and he kept falling. Todoroki laughed as he leaned back, Bakugo quickly jumped off the bed and caught his head before it hid the floor. He knew that if it did, he would've had a major headache.
Bakugo finally knew what was wrong. Todoroki was drinking to drown his feelings.Bakugo knew that Todoroki would never show a single feeling. Maybe only around the people he trusts but that's still not enough emotions. He knew Todoroki would keep it in a bottle and shove it deep down, hoping for it to never open. But that will never happen because it will have to burst open. Todoroki was literally hiding his feelings with alcohol and cigarettes.
He pursed his lips into a thin line. Then, he picked up the boy and sat him on the bed. Bakugo was cautiously of his drinking and made sure not to get too drunk unlike the younger. He didn't want a repeat of last time they drank together. Todoroki mumbled something but Bakugo didn't catch it.
"That's enough for you." Bakugo said as he put the drinks away. The boy reached out for it before almost falling off the bed. Bakugo rolled his eyes before throwing his head against the pillow. He put the drinks under the bed for now so it wasn't visible. He left the room to get water and left the boy alone.
"Don't leave me please." Todoroki whispered out after he left. He reached out for the door but he fell off the bed. He giggled but it was breathless. His eyes filled up with tears. Goddamn it. Todoroki was on his hands and knees, shaking. He closed his eyes as he felt them the tears burning to escape. He laid on his side, his cheek touching the cold floor.
He missed his mom. He missed his siblings. He missed out on having a normal life. He didn't miss his father that much. He wanted to spent his life isolated from everyone and focus on becoming a hero that saves people. He worked for this his entire life. He felt glass half full. There was an empty glass in him before Bakugo arrived. He helped him fill it up half way, now the rest was up to Todoroki. If he wanted to continue this and actually enjoy it he would fill it up, but there was stopping that made him hesitant. He didn't know what.
Bakugo opened the door with two water bottles and closed the door locking it. Then, he looked up expecting the boy to be on the bed but instead on the floor. He rushed towards the boy and hoisted him up. He didn't ask what happen since he had a good image of him trying to stand up with needing it, but boy was he wrong. He placed him on the bed once more and handed him the water bottle. Todoroki kept muttering something but Bakugo couldn't quiet understand it. He sat down next to him and leaned against the wall. He started to drink the water. He glanced at the boy who was just mumbling while holding the bottle water.
He didn't want to sober up just yet. He wanted to stay drunk so he couldn't feel anything, or was he feeling more? He liked to think that he would be numb but have no control of his feelings. Bakugo analyzed the boy but couldn't put his finger on what was wrong. Maybe something happened between the time after school and till now.
"What's wrong, princess?" Bakugo asked calmly. He thought Todoroki would bluntly say what ever was on his mind. But the boy stood quiet. He made no movement or sound. Bakugo scrunched his eyebrows to see if there was something up. Then, suddenly, Todoroki crawled to the blonde and laid his head down on his lap. Bakugo, who was not expecting that, widen his eyes as he tensed up. Todoroki literally laid on him like a normal thing. Bakugo couldn't tell if the alcohol made him red or the boy. Then, Todoroki turned his head to look up at him. His stare was blank.
"Do you think there is any point in becoming a hero?" The boy asked. Bakugo was taken back from the sudden question. He scanned the boy but his eyes showed nothing. He sighed before placing his hand in the bi-colored hair and moving his around. Bakugo knew he wasn't in the right mind set but still the question hung in the air.
"I.." Bakugo trailed off. He didn't know what to say. So instead he told him, "drink some water and get some rest." He said as he leaned over to grabbed the water bottle and handed it to him. He rubbed his head and only watched as the boy drank the water.
Words 1098
RomanceTodoroki is a person in his third year, barely hanging alive. He became his old self again, shutting him self out, keeping his emotions inside. That's happened ever since he found out one of his own blood line wanted to kill him. He couldn't even p...