Da Direction Quotes

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"I'd rather be called a boy and play with paper airplanes than be called a man and play with a girl's heart."

"I'm the kind of boy that can fall in love with any girl because I love with the heart, not the eyes."

"I won't date a model, because models are perfect and perfect is boring."

"Give it up for Harry Pottery"

"Being single doesn't mean your weak. It means your strong enough to wait for what you deserve."


"I think there's nothing wrong with eating all the time. At least i'm not doing anything illegal."

"Sleep till your hungry, Eat till you sleep."


"A dream is only a dream.. until you decide to make it real"

"I don't think you can define love."

"It only takes a second to call a girl fat and She'll take a lifetime trying to starve herself.. think before you act."

"A real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real."

"We have a choice..To Live or To Exist."

"My worst habit is...getting naked all the time haha...sorry."

"Don't choose the one who is beautiful to the world. But rather, choose the one who makes your world beautiful."


"Why did the mushroom go to the party?
Because he's a fungi!"

"Niall: Help!
Louis: Did anyone hear that?
Niall: Help!!
Louis: SOMEBODY NEEDS HELP! RAAH! (Pulls open shirt and has Superman shirt underneath) Superman is here!!"

"In my first video diary I explained my love for women who have a taste in carrots. Since then, I have received plenty of carrots. Now I also have a keen interest in women who like Lamborghinis."

"Swag mastah from Doncastah!"

"Remember people, you may not be plastic...but you are fantastic! never forget that."


"There comes a day when you realise turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realise there's so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on."

"Life is funny. Things change, people change, but you will always be you, so stay true to yourself and never sacrifice who you are for anyone."

"Don't ever let a guy make you feel ugly because no matter what you are beautiful with or without him"

"Just because you don't have a prince does not mean you are not a Princess."

"No matter how many times people try to criticize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong."

"No matter how hard life is, don't lose hope."

"Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life."

"Vas happening?"


"Dreams are like stars, you may never catch them but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny."

"I've always had a strange fear of spoons."

"I would... learn how to drive... have a nice car... and drive it."

"Whenever I'm sad I just imagine if babies were born with mustaches."

"The strongest people aren't always the people who win, but the people who don't give up when they lose."


A/N: Yaaay!! These Quotes made my day! Vas Happenin' People!? Comment and Vote! :) Have a Good Day but if you are sad just imagine babies with mustaches! :D


This Chapter is dedicated to my Favorite wattpad writer Bel Watson! Love you and your stories Bel! Keep up the great up! :)

Amna x

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