Arguing with Idiots...

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Police: Where do u live?
Me: With my parents.
Police: Where do your parents live?
Me: With Me.
Police: Where do you all live?
Me: Together.
Police: Where is your house?
Me: Next to my neighbors house.
Police: Where is your neighbors house?
Me: You won't believe me if I tell you.
Police: Tell Me!
Me: Next to my house.
Police: Yay


A Bully was provoking a Wimpy Kid:
Bully: Hit me!
Wimp: NO!
Bully: Hit me!
Wimp: NO!
Bully: Hit me!
Wimp: I don't know where you are from but in this country we don't believe in hitting little girls.


Cop: Sir Do You Know How Fast You Was Going?
Man: The Same Speed As You Officer
Cop: And How Is That?
Man: You Caught Up To Me Didn't You?


Teacher: "Kids,what does the chicken give you?"
Student: "Meat!"
Teacher: "Very good! Now what does the pig give you?"
Student: "Bacon!"
Teacher: "Great! And what does the fat cow give you?"
Student: "Homework!"


If your going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart, otherwise your just an ass.


Person: Who's was your favorite actor in Titanic?
Me: The Iceberg


Mom: Clean your room!
Me: Why?
Mom: Guests are coming over for dinner!
Me: Are we having dinner in MY room all of a sudden?


Teacher: Did you do your homework?
Me: Did you grade my test?
Teacher: Not yet...
Me: Shit happens.


A/N: Sooo... How are you guys liking the book so far?? You know the drill: Comment and Vote! :) Have a great day!

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