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"Aigooo. What a nice pillow so softttt" Shuhua whispers with her eyes still closed.

"I wanna squeeze it the whole dayy~"

"Uhmm... Shuhua..."

"Omo omo. My pillow is talking ehh?" She said as she squeezed it harder.


Shuhua fell down the bed, her bed to be exact, groaning.

"Soojin unnie?! Why am I here?!"

"You pabo! Why do you keep on squeezing my butt?! Wtf?"

"Why am I even here?!"

They suddenly heard the door creaks.

"What's happening here? I heard some butts." Minnie ask looking at the two wiggling her eyebrows.

"What's with the wiggling?" Soojin asked.

"Ohh, slow. But anyways what's the commotion all about?"

"Shuhua's touching my b-"

"It's nothing!" She then gave Minnie a nervous laugh. Minnie faced Soojin and asked her.

"Touching what? Your butt?" Soojin just slowly nods.

"Very naughty huh~" Minnie teased. Shuhua glared at Soojin.

Soojin just mouthed a 'what' that made Shuhua face palmed. After that Minnie closed the door again giving Shuhua a teasing look.

"Yah unnie! Why did you tell her?!"

"Why can't I?"

"'Cause she'll tease me the whole day! Together with Yuqi!"

"Aish jinjja! Then why do you keep on squeezing my butt huh?!"

"I thought it's--it's a pillow! It's so uhm soft! Stop shouting!"

Soojin felt her cheeks heated.

"Y-you're shouting too!"

"You started it pabo!"

"Stop calling me pa-"

The door opens again revealing Minnie.

"Stop arguing now love birds~Breakfast is ready."

Soojin helped Shuhua get up as they both headed to the kitchen.

"Unnie why am I at my room?"

"You fell at the couch. Seems like you're not used to sleeping in a couch. So I just let you use your bed."

"But you're beside me-"

"I was supposed to just sleep at the sala but you won't let go of my shirt. You're mumbling something, seems like you're having a dream. I don't have a choice so yeah."

"Hehe mian unnie."

"That's fine but please next time DON'T. TOUCH. MY. BUTT."

"Neeeeee. But it's so soft" She then earn a glare from Soojin. "Hehe kidding."

"Aishh this is what I'm talking about."



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