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I'm telling you, this is getting weirder and weirder every time. It's been three weeks and Shuhua is acting so so strange. She's back to her talkative self again and even got praised by our trainers for improving so quick. She never disappear again and, Yuqi and her got closer again, base on what I'm seeing right now. 

We don't have anything scheduled for this day so I decided to stroll around, alone, for I thought Shuhua will be enjoying her off. But unfortunate-I mean, nevermind. So as what I'm saying, I saw Shuhua and Yuqi on the way to the Ice Cream Shop that I've been always wanted to go to.

I was planning to go with Shuhua but I guess WE ARE really going here at the same time but, not together. I sat for about three tables apart from them, I don't want to disturb them anyways. I watched as Shuhua bring their ice cream on their table. I decided to watched them chat for a bit, laughing with each other. I got bored watching them and besides they're not the reason why I'm here. I'm here to eat.

'They won't notice me passing by them right? They're too busy on their own world anyways.' 

I thought as I started to head through the counter.

As I was passing by them, a line made me stopped on my track.

"Yuqi-ah. I think I like you."

I wanted to look at them. But I chose not to. I mean why should I? That's none of my business. I'm here to eat. But I guess, I suddenly lose my appetite.

I made my steps faster with my head low, I don't even know why. Then when I opened the door I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." I bowed before started to walk again when someone hold my arm and stopped me.



It's been two or almost three months since the last time I and Shuhua had a proper conversation. She's been avoiding me—I'm not joking nor just making things up yeorobun! She's avoiding me, REALLY! She'll avoid me and act as if nothing happened the other day which I just ignored. I mean at least she's still talking to me and not ignoring me completely right?

She's always with Soojin unnie from day til' night. She'll go home at night then will head straight to her room to sleep. But what's weirder is, Soojin unnie told us that she has been ditching Soojin every after their class ends. That maybe one of the reason why they go home really late. Good thing Soojin unnie ain't leaving her. I still have a hunch tho, that she likes Soojin unnie. But then, isn't it weird to ditch your crush? And let her wait for you? Weird but nevermind.

These past two weeks, Shuhua was getting weirder. She started to get along with me again and hah! Guess what yeorobun? She asked me for a date! A friendly date of course! What are y'all thinking?! Anyways, I'm glad we're getting back to what we used to. She even asked me to go for a date and even told me it's her treat. 

"SONG YUQI! WHY ARE YOU SO SLOW?!" Shuhua shouted.

I quickly ran downstairs to be greeted by a smiling Shuhua—did I just said smilling?! 

"Kamchagiya! Why tf are you smilling?! I thought I'll be greeted with a glare!"

"What? Is it bad to smile?" She responds, smilling bigger.

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