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"Yeh Shuhua!" I shouted.

"Yes?!" She shouted back from her room.

I'm getting ready cause I'll meet someone hehe. I need to be early don't wanna be late. It's not a date yeorobun! It's not! I promise!

"I'll go somewhere! Don't let anyone in! Arasso?!"

"Tf Yuqi! Do I look like a kid?! I can handle myself! Aish jinjja!"

'Oh jinjja?' I whispered.

"Of course pabo!"

'Wtf she heard it?!'

"I'll go now! I cooked some foods for you to eat! It's on top of the table!"

"Thank you! Take care!"

I then quickly headed to the bus station.

'Do I look good? Gosh I'm nervous.'

'I know what y'all thinking! It's not a date okay?! No no no!'

'I wonder if she's there?'

'I'm not late right?'

'Aish this traffic!'

After a couple of minutes I finally reached the address she sended.

"Ooh good choice!"

I got in and nervously look for her inside the coffee shop.

"I hope she's not yet here or I'm doomed! I'm 10 minutes late huhu."

My eyes roamed around the shop and I saw her sitting at the edge looking calm.

'I hope she's not mad!'

I walked slowly towards our table and stopped right in front of her. She slowly raised her head until our eyes met.

'Why is she giving me a cold look? Is she mad?'

"I-I'm sorry I'm la-"

"You look good." She interrupted giving me a wide smile.


"You're so pretty Yuqi."

"Ahh haha! I know Soyeon unnie! Hah!"

"As expected!" We both giggled.

I sitted in front of her.

"So why are you late?" She asked before giving back the menu to the waitress.

"Wae? Are you mad?"

"Nope. Just asking."


"I see."

We stayed quiet but not the awkward one. We just enjoyed the peaceful place matched with the relaxing music playing inside the shop.

"Yuqi." She called cutting the silence. I just hummed looking at her, waiting for her to say something.

She sighed before asking.

𝑷𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒂 | 𝘀.𝘀𝗷 𝘅 𝘆.𝘀𝗵 [ discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now