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Note : The underlined word was not a Korean Language.

"Woogie." I called as she hummed still looking at her phone.

I was a bit confused. She never ignores me, so I asked her.

"What are you doing?" She then faced me and showed me the name written on her phone.

"Soyeon?" I asked as I read it.

"Yep." Yuqi answered plainly before facing her phone and started typing again.

"Who is she?"

"She's one of the trainee I'm with during dance lessons. And she's kinda friendly so yeah, we're friends now." She answered still typing at her phone.

"Should I get jealous?" I asked staring at nowhere.

"Why tho? It's not like I'll annoy her more, than you. No.." she paussd a bit. "..not yet."

"You idiot! Who says that that's my point?!" I stated with full off disgust.

"Then what are you up to?" She then finally faced me.

"Finally! There! That's what I'm talking about idiot!" I exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" She asked confused.


"Yuqi for pete's sake! You never ignores me! Well not until now." I answered as I rolled my eyes.

"Ohh. Now, you answered your own question."


"You should've not asked me if you should get jealous or not cause obviously! You are." She answered smirking.

"I really hate you SONG YUQI!" she just giggles and ignores me again all the way to our company.

When we finally reached the lobby, I was expecting her to hug me before we separate and make our way to our respective rooms. But instead, she just tapped my shoulder and wave her hand with her eyes still stuck to her phone.

'This little sh—tss! I really hate you Song Yuqi!!!! How dare you to replace me?!'

I then walk straight to our practice room while stomping my feet with full of annoyance written on my face.

I opened the door without even knocking, knowing Soojin unnie was there, before closing it leaving a loud thud. I saw Soojin unnie was shocked with her mouth hang open before sitting beside her.

We stayed quiet for about a minute before Soojin unnie poke my cheeks.

"Yaaaaaah!" I shouted.

"Easy there! What happened?" Soojin unnie asked with her hands blocking her face.

'It's not like I'll gonna slap her or anything for poking me—well, that could be possible.'

I calmed myself first as I grab my phone on my pocket, before telling Soojin unnie. We decided to use translators from our phone so we can clearly understand each other. I told her everything from Woogie ignoring me until the scene awhile ago at the lobby. After that, she stayed quiet and gave me a teasing smile.

"Wae wae wae?!"

"What are you thinking?!" I added as I asked annoyingly.

"Do you perhaps..." She paused as she wiggles her eyebrows up and down.


"Do you.."


"Do you like her?~" she asked with a teasing tone.

"Me?! I-i—" I stopped when our dance teacher opens the door and instructed us to stand up already so we can start the lessons. I heard Soojin unnie whispers 'I think you like her huh~' with a teasing tone.

I was about to say something but our teacher caught me so she shouted 'focus' before I heard a chuckle from Soojin unnie.

'Tss these annoying people!! I hate you all!!'

Sorry for the late update! This was supposed to be published last week since I told you that I'll be updating this book at least twice a week but since I got a bunch of school works to finish, so again sorry for the late update. Please bare with me T^T


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