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Note : The underlined word was not a Korean Language.

A month had passed and they got their next schedules for practices.

"Aww Shuhua-yah. I'm sorry." Yuqi says frowning.

"Why?" Shuhua asked in confusion.

"I won't be able to join you in one room during our practices." Yuqi showed Shuhua the paper consisting the list of their schedules. "We don't got the same schedule and worst, we don't got the same room." Yuqi pouted.

"That's fine Woogie. And besides, I'm not a kid for you to worry about-"

"Who says I worry about you? I'm worrying about myself. Idiot. Different schedules and rooms only means that I won't be able to annoy you!" Yuqi stated, cutting Shuhua's words which earned a glare from Shuhua.

"Why am I even friends with you?!" Shuhua exclaimed still glaring at Yuqi.

"A-ah I forgot, m-my vocal lessons we're a-about to start."

"Idiot! You still have 30 minutes before your vocal lesson!"

"I-I have to go Shuhua. Annyeong! See you later!"

"SONG YUQI!" Shuhua shouted and Yuqi just ignored it to run for her life.

"That idiot aish!" Grabbing her phone at her pocket as she looks at the time placed on her phone's screen.

"Well I still got 15 minutes before the call time. But it's better to be early than late." She told herself before heading to the practice room.

Before she opens the door, she heard a music playing from the inside. She slowly opens it revealing a girl with her back facing Shuhua, dancing to the rhythm. Shuhua was stunned. The music stops that made Shuhua came back to reality.

She blinked a couple of times before realizing that the girl she's staring at and day dreaming of was already infront of her, waving her hand in front of her face.

"A-annyeonghaseyo. Yeh Shu-"

"Yeh Shuhua annyeong." Soojin greeted as she smiled genuinely.

"How you know Shuhua?" Shuhua asked trying to have a right Korean grammar but failed to.

"Sorry what?" Soojin asked out of confusion.

"My name. How you know?" Shuhua asked trying again. And luckily, Soojin got it this time. She mentally slapped herself realizing what she have asked.

'oh great Shuhua! Why did you even asked? You'll never forget that embarrassing moment and this lady in front of you!'

"Oh remember you get in the wrong room about a month ago?"

"Sorry, Shuhua no understand." Soojin mouthed an 'O' before asking Shuhua again using basic Korean words too.

"I mean. Remember? You, last month. Get in." Soojin then pointed at the door.

"Ahh yes. Shuhua remembers. Why wouldn't I?" She answered as she whispers the last words, before she laughed nervously.

'Great she still remember it. What have you done Shuhua!'

"Sorry what?"

"Nothing." Soojin nod.

"So I guess we have the same schedule?" Soojin said as she points at the paper that Shuhua was holding, giving her a clue of what she just said.

"Ahh yes. I guess so." Shuhua said as she scratch her nape.

Soojin checked her phone and tells Shuhua that they still have 5 minutes before the call time. They just sat next to each other waiting for the other trainees as they arrived one by one. No one cares to speak nor break the silence. They're too shy for each other. And on the other hand, Shuhua's afraid about the language barrier so she just stayed quiet.

"One more time!" They're dance teacher instructed.



"And more. One more time." After two hours of practicing, they're done finally.

Shuhua sat on the floor panting, when the dance teacher approached her.

"Shuhua." Shuhua faced her dance teacher, as she, calls her.

"Ne?" Shuhua replied.

"I think you need to practice hard to catch up okay?"

"Ahh sorry I-"

"Oh my bad. Sorry. I mean, you, practice to catch up. Really hard. Okay?"

"Oh sorry." Shuhua answers with a sad tone.

"No no. Shuhua have a lot time, improve. Don't be upset." Her dance teacher said smiling to reassure her that everything will be fine. She mouthed 'fighting' to cheer Shuhua up and pats her head before exiting the room.

Little did Shuhua know, Soojin heard all of that. She then headed to Shuhua's spot and patted her shoulder to get her attention

She's a bit startled for she is still thinking that she's not good enough. She looks at Soojin before saying 'sorry'. Soojin giggles as she finds Shuhua cute. She gave Shuhua a bottled water before sitting next to her.

"A-annyeong Soojin unnie." Shuhua greeted politely accepting the water, mouthed 'thank you' and take a gulp.

"Annyeong. Me, wants to ask something." She said pointing at herself.

"Ohh sure."

"You, want me." She then pointed at herself again. "To teach you? I heard it all, awhile ago."

Shuhua widened her eyes as she blinked for a couple of times. She was shocked that Soojin is willing to help her improve herself. She then immediately nodded in a rapid pace that made Soojin giggles again.

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