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"I should be the one asking you that. Who. Are. You?" She paused a bit. "I'm her girlfriend."

"What?!" Soojin and Shuhua shouted in unison.

The girl kept her straight face, raising her left eyebrow while looking at Soojin, who's staring at her with a shocked face. Silence engulfed them in a minute before the unknown girl burst out of laughter.

Soojin looks at Shuhua, who was looking at the girl, before looking at her Soojin unnie.

"She's crazy." Soojin stated, still looking at Shuhua.

"She really is." Shuhua replied.

"You didn't tell me you have a girlfriend—a crazy girlfriend to be exact no offense."

"She's not my girlfriend yucks."

"Okay! Okay! Now stop! What are you doing here all of a sudden?"

Soojin just stared at them as she didn't know what is Shuhua was saying except for the okay.

The girl finally stops.

"Hey. Is that how you greet your girl—" before she can even finish her sentence, Shuhua glared at her.


"So as I was saying, why are you here Minnie unnie?" She didn't answered Shuhua but faced Soojin instead.

"Well, Annyeong. I'm Nicha Yontararak but you can call me in my Korean name, Minnie. And I'm her girl—"

"Don't you dare say it again."

"I'm her girl FRIEND." She then faced Shuhua and gave her a teasing look. "Stop acting like you don't like it Yeh Shuhua~"

"Ohh dream on! I'm straight as a ruler!"

"Stop denying. And I know you know, some rulers can bend." She stated, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I'm amazed by her korean." Soojin mumbled but Minnie heard it.

"Oh thank you! Yuqi and I used to learn it together. She—" she then pointed at Shuhua. "was too lazy back then so yes, look at her."

"Wae?! I know how to speak Korean a bit now!"

Soojin and Minnie then giggled.

"But hey! Don't keep on changing the topic! Why are you here?!"

"Why? Don't you miss me? You and Yuqi were always together during trainings while I always got a different schedules with you two! You even sleep in the same roof! I hate you too!"

"It's not our fault that you chose not to live together with us! Because you said were chaotic you idiot!"

"Not gonna argue with that. Anyways, to answer your question, because I don't wanna hear the same question all over again, Yuqi texted me saying you got no one to sleep with tonight since she's sleeping in Soyeon's. I keep on calling you but you're not answering it!"

"I left it here at the living room when were eating!"

"Sorry to interrupt you two but, you know Soyeon?" Soojin asked.

"Well yes, we know each other. Uhm wait—who are you again?" Minnie asked.

"Soojin, Seo Soojin."

"Ohh, I guess you are the one their talking about,  Miyeon and Soyeon."


"They said they have this friend who's good at dancing named Soojin so I guess it's you. Am I right?"

"Y-yeah I guess."

"Now that makes sense."

"What do you mean?" Soojin asked, confused.

"You being here with Shuhua and the hug—"

"Don't misunderstood it unnie!" Shuhua shouted.

"What? Yuqi told me you have a little crush on her."

"What?!" They shouted in unison causing Minnie to covered her ears.

"What's with you two? Why do you love shouting? Is this relationship goals?"

"What did you say?!" They shouted again in unison.

"Chill! You're hurting my ears!"

"Uhm sorry." Soojin shyly apologized.

"Well me, I'm not sorry huh! You deserve it anyways. And what makes you think I really have a crush on Soojin unnie?!"

"I just got that information from Yuqi! Stop blamming me!"


"Don't you think we should sleep as well?" Soojin asked.

They both looked at Minnie who's now snoring at Yuqi's bed. Occupying the whole bed.

"Well yeah? I guess so? You can go now unnie. I'll clean these up."

"Let me help you—"

"Aish it's fine. I can manage."


"No buts.  You can sleep now. You can use my bed."

"How about you?"

Shuhua looked at Minnie who's enjoying herself sleeping in Yuqi's bed.

"Well I guess I can't sleep with her. I'll just sleep on the couch."

"You are the owner of this apartment you—"

"And you are my guest. I can't let you sleep on the couch! No no no."

Soojin can't do anything but to obey her. She headed to Shuhua's room leaving Shuhua at Yuqi's room,  cleaning their mess.

Just a couple of minutes, Shuhua finished cleaning. When she was about to sleep, she remembered Yuqi, her bestfriend. And so,  she decided to message her.

I should have expected that

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I should have expected that...

I'm so sorry for not updating for too long T^T Sorry for waiting this much T^T I'll continue updating this book so please bare with me T^T Thank you for reading anyways! Keep safe! Stay hydrated♡

Vote and follow, I would definitely appreciate that♡

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