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Note : The underlined word was not a Korean Language.

"Yah! Yeh Shuhua!" Yuqi shouted for who knows since when.

"N-ne? (Yes)" Shuhua answers as she face Yuqi who's now beside her.

"You're spacing out again! Aish jinjja! (Really)" Yuqi exclaimed face palming.

"Sorry Woogie."

"What are you thinking huh? Thinking about the pretty lady?~" Yuqi asked with a teasing tone that made shuhua blush.

And here comes Shuhua spacing out again as she thinks of the embarrassing moment again that a happened few minutes ago.

"I think that's for you. What do you think?" Yuqi said that made Shuhua blush.

"Do you want me to prove it to you?" Yuqi added. Shuhua just stood there not uttering a single word while looking at Yuqi blankly.

Yuqi take that as a yes and headed to Soojin's direction. Just as soon as she arrived at Soojin. She noticed that Soojin's phone was restarting. She then mentally chuckled.

'I knew it.' Yuqi thought.

"Wise but, you should've turned it on already awhile ago instead of eavesdropping." She said loud enough for Shuhua to hear it. She then winks at Soojin before going back to Shuhua, who's now a blushing mess, dragging her outside.

But before she finally closed the door, she mouthed

"She likes it" to Soojin

"I told you, it's for you~" Yuqi says teasing Shuhua.

"S-stop it! Let's just proceed to our practice room!"

"Someone's having a crush~"

"Stop teasing Woogie!"

"Why? I'm just glad, after 3 years being with you, you never have a crush on someone!"

"What's the difference of having a crush or not?"

"Nothing. I'm just glad that you finally learn how to admire someone."

"Look. I don't like her okay?"



"YEH SHUHUA!" Yuqi shouted that made everyone in the room face her and not only Shuhua.

Shuhua then comes back to reality again as she say sorry to their co trainees because of Yuqi. But they just chuckles out of Shuhua's cuteness while saying...

"Shuhua really sorry. Yuqi idiot."

Which got a slap on the arm from Yuqi that made her groan.

"Your Korean sucks!" Yuqi exclaimed. Shuhua chuckled saying...

"You're my tutor, so that means you're Korean sucks too! Idiot!" Sticking out her tongue.

"Aish jinjja! You're getting into my nerves!" Shuhua just laughed as she watched Yuqi to put an annoyed face as the sign that she's defeated.

"But hey!" Yuqi spoke getting Shuhua's attention. Shuhua just hummed in response waiting for Yuqi's next words.

"I think..."

"You think what?"

"I think.."

"What?! I'm being impatient just say it woogie!" She looks at Shuhua grinning.

"I think you like her." Yuqi stated still grinning as her eyebrows moves up and down to tease Shuhua.

"Woogie! Stop teasing! And who? What do you mean 'her'? I'm straight."

"Are you?"

"W-what made you t-think about that?! Of course I am."

"What?! I didn't hear that!"

"None of your business. Idiot!"

"Aishh jinjja!!!!!"

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