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Song Yuqi calling...

"What Yuqi?"

'I'll just ask if you're done packing your things.'

"Packing my things?"

'Yeah? We're now living in a dorm now right?'

"We what?!"

'Unnie, when did you become deaf?'

I can't see her but I bet she rolled her eyes.

"I didn't know what you're talking Yuqi. Like I'm really clueless."

'What do you mean? Shuhua didn't tell you?'

"Why would she even tell-nevermind, when did the company told you?"

'Last week when you visit your hometown and told us to just tell you what we talked about. Shuhua says she'll tell you. Aish! She forgot it again.'


'Yes, remember when Miyeon unnie told you, more like to remind you but it turns out she's the one who told you, that we'll be having a meeting and you're 10 minutes late? Getting scolded. That's because Shuhua forgot to tell you, she's the one assigned by Soyeon unnie and was supposed to be the one to tell you.'

She stated almost catching her breath from speaking too fast.

'Anyways, since this is Shuhua's fault and it seems like you haven't packed yet, base on the way you reacted. I'll tell her to help you packed and pick you up with our manager.'


'No buts unnie I know you'll just tell me that it's not her fault and it's fine but whatever-'

'Yuqi-ah! Who are you talking to?'

I know that voice and I will never forget that voice.

'Right timing!'

Then I just heard a murmurs, more like she's scolding Shuhua. I assume she forgot that she's still on the phone.

A minute or two had passed. With the phone still attached on my ear, waiting for Yuqi,

'Yeah right unnie! Sorry I forgot! She'll be there in a couple of minutes! I'll see you later!'

call ended.

She ended the call without even waiting for me to respond.

I sighed and started to pack some of my things. A couple of minutes passed when I heard someone knock.

I know you're all confused why I'm alone. Where's Miyeon unnie or Soyeon. I actually moved. I can't afford any apartment last time so they offered to help me by sharing the apartment with them. I don't want to ask my parents for money, me and my father fought before about me taking this path. When my mother found out about that, she told me that she'll give me an allowance and will make sure dad won't know anything about it. At first I did not took the offer. But I ain't gaining that much in my part time job since I rarely do it because of our schedules, it's too difficult to multi-task. I also don't want to be a burden for Miyeon unnie and Soyeon anymore. It's surely fun to be with them but I think this will be better.

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