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Note : The underlined word was not a Korean Language.


         We are all waiting for our dance teacher for our lesson. Everyone, the trainees, chitchatting while I'm here alone. Well, I do have friends who were also a trainee here but, we got different schedules so I got no choice. I'm not that talkative since I'm a little shy unlike my best friends, Miyeon unnie and Soyeon. Miyeon unnie is a bit talkative and a bit slow witted—yeah just a bit anyways, Soyeon was very friendly and too talented.

           The noise suddenly stops when we heard a creaking  sound coming from the door. We all stood up and was ready to greet the teacher. The door finally opens and I was stunned by the beauty of the girl in front of us that I suddenly forgot to bow.

'How can she be this perfect?' I the mentally slapped myself 'What the heck are you talking about Soojin?!'

"Annyeonghaseyo Ms.Park." they said in unison.

But instead of greeting back, she look so shocked and you can see the confusion written on her face.

"A-annyeonghaseyo. Me not Ms. Park—" she was then cutted by a shout of an another girl behind her who is now panting while resting her back at the door.

"Yeh Shuhua!" She shouted. The girl then walk in front of the girl named 'Shuhua' before bowing and saying sorry.

"Annyeonghaseyo! I'm sorry about my friend. She's just new here so please forgive her." She then bowed again.

My co trainees just nod their head in response before minding their own business again.

The strangers caught my attention again as the other girl keeps on scolding the girl named Yeh Shuhua. She's only talking quietly but I can still hear them since I'm a bit near at the door.

"Yah! Yeh Shuhua! You entered the wrong room! I told you to wait for me right?!"

"What?" After that I heard the other spoke in foreign language which I guess she just translated it for Shuhua.

The girl named Yeh Shuhua just pouted.

'Aw so cute' The two of them looked at my direction.

'aish did I say it that loud?!'

Out of adrenaline rush, I quickly grab my phone beside me and act like I'm using my phone.

They then turned to face each other again. Me being me, tried to eavesdrop again now, using my peripheral vision.

"Seems like it's really for you" The other girl stated as she chuckles.

'Why can't they just get out already?!'

I then saw the other girl was now walking towards my direction so I decided to layed my eyes on my phone again to act like I'm still using my phone again when I realized...

'Oh f—it's turned off!'

I tried to open it but too late, she's already beside me and saw my phone's restarting.

"Wise but, you should've turned it on already awhile ago instead of eavesdropping." She said and winks.

I'm doomed. But before the girl closed the door she looked at me again and mouthed,

"She likes it."

I felt my cheeks heated up. Why is it so hot in here?!


'Am I?'

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