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Note : The underlined word was not a Korean Language.

"Shuhua-yah mianhe. Are you mad?" Yuqi asked as she moves closely.

"What do you think?" I replied annoyed as I widened the distance between us.



"Shuhua mian~"


She keeps on moving closer until I reached the end of the sofa as my butt landed on the cold floor of our sala. I'm expecting her to help me get up but my expectations betrayed me. She just laugh at the top of her lungs instead.

"I HATE YOU SONG YUQI!" I shouted out of annoyance.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" She replied as she tries to stop herself from laughing.

My face heaten up out of embarrassment and at the same time, annoyance.

After a few minutes, she finally stops.

"Okay okay look." She started

"I really apologized about not picking you up these past few days. I admit, I'm with Soyeon unnie the whole time. We're just getting to know each other more. We've been together for 3 years Shuhua. Take note, TOGETHER, literally TOGETHER. And it's just two weeks Shuhua." She explained emphasizing the word 'TOGETHER'

"I know Yuqi." I replied plainly

"Sorry Shu—"

"But a simple message won't harm right?" I said looking deeply into her eyes as she lowers her head after.

"I'm sorry Shuhua. I'm really sorry."

"I just want to get to know her."

"I won't do it again. Please don't be mad at me again." She pleaded as she hugged me tightly.

Me being me, I hugged her back. We stayed like that for awhile as I Iet myself cry. She's the one who broke it as she wipes my tears before smiling.

"Aish jinjja! You're so ugly! Stop crying stop crying!"

"I won't do it again! I won't let my best friend cry again because of me!"

'Yes Yuqi . I'm your best friend.'

She hugged me again for the second time that made me smile. After that, she's back again to her usual mood. She looked at me teasingly that made me confused.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Stop acting like you don't love it."

"Huh? What do you mean Yuqi?"

"Well I heard that those past few days that I'm not with you, you're enjoying your day with your crush..."

"...Is that true?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Huh? Who?"

"Stop acting dumb!"

"Who? Soojin unnie?" I asked blankly.

"Yes yes yes!"

"What made you think of that—yah!—hahaha.. Stop yuqi!—"

"Just admit it!" She exclaimed as she don't stop tickling me.

"What—hahaha stop! I don't—hahaha have a—hahaha a crush on her!"

"Okay okay. I'll act like I believe in you! Hahahaha"

"Stop now! Yah!!!"

"Okay okay!" She said as she finally stops.

We decided to watch a drama but I suddenly got bored.

"Yuqi!" I shouted to get her attention which is now at the tv infront of us.




"Let's go out for a date?" I asked plainly.

"Oh ho ho ho! Sure young lady! But make sure it's your treat!."

"As expected." I mumbled.

"Ahmm what?"

"Nothing! I said, sure!" We quickly prepared ourselves as we wore comfortable clothes

Yuqi finished first. I saw her waiting outside as she acts like a man standing firmly before I link in her arms playfully.

We then started heading to our usual places and talks randomly,

"You know I really like giraffes."

"You've said that for a thousand times already!."

"But I really likeno scratch it! I love them. Especially when they are eating their cheeks were like." She then acted like a giraffe eating.

"Whatever Song Yuqi!"

enjoying each other's company.

"Have a taste!" She said giving me a taste on her ice cream.

"Hmmm this is so yummy!!!"

"I really missed Yuqi." I mumbled.

"What? Are you saying something?' I then pouts.

"Hey! Why are you pouting? Is there something wrong?"


"Yuqi!" Someone shouted.

"Oh Hi there Shuhua!"

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