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"Isn't it hui sunbaenim?"

"H-huh? Where?"

I was cut off by my thoughts when Shuhua suddenly moved her face closer to mine, asking that.

"At your back." She whispered.

And there I saw our sunbae wearing a black cap and a black mask, entering the shop where we're currently eating.

"Should we ask him to join us?"

"No Shuhua, he might be with someone let's not disturb him."

"Arasso~" She responds with her mouth full of foods.

"So cute"

"What?" She asked when she finally finished chewing her food.

I just pinched her cheeks while she just pouted in defeat.

"Unnie! Where should we go next?" She asked saying every word slowly, clinging her arms around mine. (A/N: I hope you know what I mean, she always do it ><)

"Should we watch some mo-" I was interrupted by a ring on Shuhua's phone.

She looked at me first before I gave her a nod. She removed her arms around mine and slightly moved away before answering the phone. I can't understand anything she have said since it's not korean. I assume she's talking to Yuqi or Minnie maybe because she keeps on yelling.

She then puts it back to her pocket before clinging to me again. I smiled a bit without showing it to her.

"What were you saying again unnie?" She asked acting cute.

'Well I don't know if she really is acting that way or it's natural. I don't know don't ask me.'

I kept my straight face before responding.

"Do you want to watch some movie?"

"Sure~" I then giggled.

'I admit, she's really cute.'


"Yes unnie."

"How are you and Yuqi?" I asked out of nowhere.


"Shuhua, I think you should now confess to her."

"About what?"

"Your feelings for her."

I didn't know why I suddenly brought Yuqi up to our convo. And I didn't know why I suddenly told her to do it. Did I do right?



"Should I call her now?"

"Should I?"

"What if she don't pick it up?"

"Aish nevermind! I'll call her."

Calling Shuhua Yeppeo♡...

Yah yah! It's not what you think it is. It was originally 'SHUHUA PABO PABO!' but she keep on changing it to 'Shuhua Yeppeo♡' so I just leave it like that.

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