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"Here I am again, alone." Shuhua said as with a deep sigh as she rested her back against the sofa.

She opens her  phone, to be greeteed by it's brightness, that made her closed her eyes a bit.

"7:05" She mouthed.

"It will be too early if  I'll sleep already." she stated plainly.

She unlocks her phone and smile at the sight. It was her and her first love. As she keeps on staring at her phone, a message pops up.

Soojin unnie ♡

ShuShu ♡
Yes unnie?

Soojin unnie ♡
You alright shu?

ShuShu ♡
hmm ne

Soojin unnie ♡
Have you eaten?

ShuShu ♡
Not yet actually.

Soojin unnie ♡

ShuShu ♡
I don't know how to cook. I'll just order online later. I guess?

Soojin unnie ♡
1 minute.

ShuShu ♡

Soojin unnie ♡ is calling...

"Ne unnie?"

'Open the door.'


'Just open it. These are too heavy you know.'

"ohh I got it! Coming!"

She said not minding to end the call.

Shuhua then runs to their front door, opening it, to be greeted by soojin with plastics bags on her hand and the phone on the other. Shuhua ended the call as she helps Soojin with the plastic bags and asked her to come in.

"What brings you here unnie?" Shuhua asked placing the plastic bags on top of the table.

"Because you are here all alone?" Soojin answered sounding like 'isn't it obvious?'

"I mean—why?"

"I just don't want you to be dramatic while your here all by yourself because your cr—I mean your bestfriend chose to stay with Soyeon instead, that is also the reason why I'm here. I'm living with her along with Miyeon unnie. Miyeon unnie aren't home right now and I don't wanna be a third wheel."  Soojin explained with a disgust look as she mentions the third wheel thingy.

"Well~that explains a lot." Soojin just hummed in response.

Soojin started placing the groceries that she bought at Yuqi and Shuhua's dining table.

"You'll cook?!" Shuhua exclaimed with her puppy eyes. Soojin pokes her nose.

"Yes little puppy."

"For me?!" She asked as she jump happily.

"For US." Soojin answers, emphasizing the word 'us' before she giggles at Shuhua's cuteness.

"Thank you unnie!" She then hugged Soojin tightly.

"Shu I-I can't b-breathe." Soojin utter gaspig for air.

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