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Where now off to our dorm. Shuhua's asleep in my shoulders. She looks so cute even if she's sleeping. She looks like an innocent, quiet and kind human being. Well, she really is kind and innocent but she's really LOUD in reality.

If I have to choose between, the LOUD Shuhua or the QUIET Shuhua, I'll still choose to be with the LOUD one. That's who she is and I love her for being positive as always. Her presence enough can make me cheer up.

I feel so comfortable with her. During those times when we're avoiding each other, there's always something missing in me. I can't explain it but I think we're really bound to be with each other.

After half an hour, we finally reached our dorm. I slightly tapped her shoulder to wake her up but she's still in a deep slumber.

I whisper shouted to our manager telling to head in first and we'll follow. I just stared at the little angel beside me when the door opens revealing Yuqi.

She noticed that Shuhua's still sleeping. She leaned closely reaching my ears before telling me to move Shuhua's head from my shoulder and head in first. I immediately obey her like my body has it's own mind again for the second time. But instead of getting in, I waited for them and for what will Yuqi do. Curious of why did she instructed me to move and to head in first.

I froze in my spot when she suddenly carry Shuhua in bridal style. I saw Shuhua open her eyes a bit but after she make sure who's bringing her, she fell asleep again in Yuqi's arms. It took me a minute to process everything before joining them inside the dorm.

Yuqi lay her in one of the bed before closing the door. Soyeon's in the living room doing something. While I can here Miyeon unnie and Minnie unnie in the kitchen fighting over a soda.

'I didn't know they're that close. I mean if they're not, they likely be giving that soda to one another endlessly right? They will be awkward to even fight with each other just because of a soda.'

I just shrugged it off and headed to where the room Shuhua was in. I then remember that Yuqi's still inside so I just joined Soyeon in the living room. An hour had passed when Miyeon unnie and Minnie unnie joined us as well.

"Soojin unnie." She called still looking at what she's currently doing.


"Can you call the two? We need to choose our roommates now."


I then walk straight to were they are. I still knocked incase they're not sleeping anymore. No one respond so I slowly opened the door seeing them sleeping, embracing each other.

'They actually look like sisters to me more than a couple.'

I chuckled. I decided to wake Yuqi first and let her wake Shuhua. I told them to meet us in the living room as I head in first.


Couple of minutes after, the maknaes joined them in the living room. Shuhua is in between of Soojin and Yuqi while Soyeon is in the other couch, on the side, and Miyeon and Minnie at the floor facing Shuhua, Soojin and Yuqi.

"So, do you have any suggestion about how will we choose our roommates?" Soyeon started.

"Well, anyone would be fine. Just not this person beside me." Minnie stated.

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