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Today is March 2 exactly 2 months before our debut. And exactly a week after our entertainment announced the line up. Yes, we're going to debut. Our group consists of six (6) members including Miyeon unnie, Minnie unnie, Soyeon, Yuqi, Shuhua and I. Tho our other friends failed to pass, I'm still glad that I'm included on the line up. Up until now I can't believe that I'm going to debut especially with the people I'm most comfortable with. 

It's almost a month since that incident in Ice Cream Shop happened. I've been ignoring Shuhua slightly for I don't know why—

'Why the hell am I ignoring her again?!' 

I asked my self for the nth time.

I keep on asking the same question but I can't still get an exact answer. It's my idea anyways, her confessing to Yuqi, her crush. So why am I acting like this? The table turns, now Shuhua and I were in the situation they, Yuqi and Shuhua, had before. But even if I'm ignoring her, she wouldn't notice it. If you're asking why, she's busy hanging out with Yuqi. After that incident, there's something about them that I can't explain.

'Maybe they're dating?'

'Then she should've told me right? I'm her sister after all.'

"Am I just sulking? Because she didn't told me?"

'Pabo how will she tell you? If you're keeping  a distance?'

"Aish! Why am I even talking to myself?!"

"Yeah, why are you talking to yourself?" I was startled when Hui oppa puts the cold drink on my cheeks.

"Yah! Who told you to do that?!"

"Just myself." He then chuckles.

"Free time?" I asked plainly before sipping the drinks he gave me.

"I always have time when it comes to you." I looked at him in disgust.

"Stop with your cheesy lines!" I shouted, playfully smacking his arms. Causing the other customer inside the cafe giving as an annoyed look.

"Stop it. Stop it. And I'll stop as well."  He said before standing  and bowing to the people around us saying 'Sorry.'

"Don't shout honey, I'm not deaf."

"What did you just call me?!" I glared at him.

"Nothing!" He responded  before sipping in his drinks nervously.

I know y'all were wondering how we became this close with each other. I met him that time in the Ice Cream Shop. I happened to bump with him when I'm heading out the Shop. At first, I didn't recognize him since I had my head low. But when he grabbed my arm, that's when I recognize his eyes. 

He asked me where I am going, asked if I would want to join him, and that's when we started to get to know each other. I suddenly became in a good mood and joined him. I don't know what's gotten into me that I followed and decided to be with him. He's kind and fun to be with. He somehow made me forgot what I heard and what I saw. Since then, we're meeting up in this place which wasn't known that much that's why there was only few customers. Somehow to avoid the media as well. Even so, the foods they're serving here was good.

We both have our off. They let us, with my members, have a week of day off since we'll be soon, be busy for our upcoming debut.

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