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"Yuqi!" Soyeon shouted as she approaches both Yuqi and Shuhua. She immediately greeted Shuhua as she noticed the latter.

"Oh hi Shuhua" She bowed at Shuhua and Shuhua did the same.

"So what are you guys doing in here?" Soyeon asked.

"We're dating." Shuhua stated plainly.

"Oh I'm sor—"

"Woah Shuhua! Your Korean is improving!" Yuqi exclaimed cutting Soyeon.

"Yeah thanks to—"

"Me." Soojin interrupted. "Hi Shuhua." She greeted before facing at Yuqi "Hi Yuqi." Before sipping at her cold drinks.

There's a sudden silence before Yuqi spoke up breaking it.

"Anyways, yeah. We're having a FRIENDLY date." Yuqi stated emphasizing the word 'friendly'.

"Oh sorry for disturbing your—"

"No that's fine. Right Shuhua?" Yuqi cutted as she looks at Shuhua with a wide eyes.


"Can we join you? If you wouldn't mind?" Soyeon asked. Yuqi nod rapidly as she links her arm to Soyeon before walking with Shuhua and Soojin at the back.

"Hey Shuhua?" Soojin calls, getting Shuhua's attention which is infront of them.


"You okay?"

"Of course Soojin unnie."


"Why not?"

"You look annoyed."


"Yep." Soojin answered as Shuhua stared blankly at nowhere.

"Tell me, why?" Soojin added as she frowned.

"It's just that, it's our only time being together again since the past week." Shuhua stated pouting.


"What hmm?"

"Is it really the only reason huh~" Soojin said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yah! Unnie stop teasing!" Shuhua then pouts again playfully slapping Soojin's arm.

"Yes yes! Stop slapping and please stop pouting as well."

"And why should I stop?!"

"You don't look cute." Soojin answered as she laughs at Shuhua's now as red as the tomato for being annoyed.

"Okay okay. For you not to be annoyed, have a taste." Soojin said as she handed Shuhua her drinks. Shuhua accepted it immediately before taking a sip.

"Tastes like cherry." Shuhua whispered.


"Huh? Nothing nothing!"

"Don't you like it?"

"No it really taste so good like cherry."

"Cherry? It's mint choco flavored drink Shu."



"Then why does it taste like—ahh nevermind."

"You know what? We should walk fast. Look at them, they're a bit far from us."

"Yeah right unnie." Soojin linked her arm to Shuhua as they walk behind Yuqi and Soyeon.

As they roam around the mall, they noticed a claw machine quite near from their position. Shuhua and Soojin looked at each other before Shuhua made her way to the claw machine. Soyeon and Yuqi noticed it and followed Shuhua, so as Soojin.

But before that, Shuhua buy some tokens but Soyeon got it first so Shuhua used the other claw machine. With an ease, Soyeon got the plushie and gave it to Yuqi. Meanwhile, Shuhua was still struggling to get a one plushie. The three watched as Shuhua finally got one.

She faced Yuqi, her best friend, and noticed that she already have one.

"Aww is that for me my lovely best friend?" Yuqi said with a puppy eyes.

"Dream on. It's for Soojin Unnie." Shuhua answers as she gave the plushie to Soojin.

"H-huh?" Soojin asked confused.

"I knew it!" Yuqi exclaimed as she hugs Soyeon and fake cries. Soyeon just laughed and tell Shuhua and Soojin that they'll just buy some ice cream. They just noded.

"T-thanks Shu." Soojin said shyly.

"It's nothing unnie. I can get some more if you want."

"A-ah no. It's f-fine. Thank you."

"Welcome—wait, unnie? Are you okay? Why are you so red? Are you sick?" Shuhua panicks as she touched Soojin's forehead.

"A-ah ani! (No) It's just hot here. Let's go buy some d-drinks!" Soojin uttered as she grab Shuhua's wrist with the plushie on her other hand.

"Yah Shuhua! Stop staring! What's with y—"

"Unnie have you ever fell in love?"

"W-what's with the sud—"

"Just answer me please?"

"I-I did. Wait w-why?!?"

"How does it feels like?"

"S-seriously Shu—"

"Just. Answer. It." Shuhua stated making Soojin shivers.

"W-well, it feels so good."

She faced Shuhua as she continues

" Like they will complete your day. They will also be the reason why you wanna wake up early in the morning. Will always lift up your mood. Will make you look like a fool smiling, without any reason. Will let you believe that you're living in your greatest dream, it's too good to be  true. But.."


"Loving someone might also be the greatest decision you'll ever  regret."

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