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"Yuqi-ah. I think I like you." Her eyes looking straight to mine. Her eyes don't lie as if it's convincing me to believe on what she just said.

'Deja vu'

"Y-you what?"

"I think I like you Yuqi pabo!"


"During the past months, I've been thinking about telling you about this. I like you Yuqi but.." She paused and sighed.

I don't know what to say or how to react about her sudden confession. But as soon as I looked deeply in her eyes, I can say that there's something bothering her.

"But Yuqi, what should I do? I've been liking you for almost 2 years, I know you are my bestest friend that's why I'm anxious of how this will turn out but I think that won't be the main problem here. 'Cause I kinda like someone besides you right now."

I opened my mouth but no words came out.

"Yuqi this is making me confuse. It's making me crazy. How can I like two person at the same time?"

"Shuhua, I can't understand you."

"Yuqi-ah. I think I like her."

"Is it?" She nods.

"Yeah. Soojin unnie."

If she haven't confessed her feelings towards me, my response would be "I knew it!".

But knowing that she likes both of us, I don't know how to react. I can't just act like nothing happened just to lighten up the mood knowing that it bugs her so much.

"Yuqi, I know this is kinda confusing. I confessed and turned out that I also like someone else. I know I'm insane." She then fake laughed.


"Yuqi look. I'm not expecting you to like me back okay? It's just that I need a friend to be with me now. And also, I don't want to ruin our friendship. I won't force you, obviously. But this, this is really confusing. And I don't know what to do. I know that I like you but I also like Soojin unnie. I.." She deeply sighed.

I got up of my seat and sat beside her. I slowly caressed her back.

"Shuhua. I'm as confused as you. But you can't like both of us romantically at the same time. You need to understand your feelings. Maybe you just admire one of us and you just misunderstood it."

"But how."

'Yeah Yuqi how—right! I can be a help!'

"Should I help you then?" She faced me blankly.


"I don't know if this will work tho."

"We can try?"

"What if it'll just make the confusion worst?"

"At least we tried Woogi. Now tell me."

I'm having second thoughts but Shuhua looks so serious and eager to know what my plan was.

"Avoid Soojin unnie for the meantime."

"And? Should I ignore you too?"

"Ohh yeah I forgot."


"Okay, let's try to avoid each other then you'll try to avoid Soojin unnie too."

"Okay. Let's try it."

"The next days will be a hell for me." I whispered.


'Ohh, she heard it.'

"Well we should at least enjoy our remaining hours together right?" She offered.


After that, we had a little date. A friendly date I must say. I haven't felt awkwardness around her despite of the confession. It's either because, we used to do these even before since we're bestest friends. Or it is because I know that she's not yet sure about her feeligs for me specially because of her unsure feelings towards Soojin unnie.

It has only been a month when she cornered me inside one of the cubicle before hugging me. She's insane, yes. Shuhua explained that she's sure now. She liked me. And it's actually not something deep but a simple admiration. And what she's feeling right now is just "the feeling of a friend longing for her sister like friend".

Like "Who wouldn't miss the prettiest SONG YUQI" right? I kinda had a hunch about her feelings towards me but of course I don't want to jump into the conclusions. I was 101% sure since then that she likes Soojin unnie but it seems like something's stopping her to express her feelings. Maybe she's afraid it'll ruin their friendship like what she felt in us. I don't know.

Anyways, after confirming her feelings she told me something. Turns out Soojin unnie's ignoring her too. I'm not sure okay? That's what she told me. She said that it seems like they're so awkward being together even if just being in the same room, or chatting in messages. She told me one time,  they happened to be in the lift together with just the two of them but instead of talking with each other, they're busy with their phones.

They're ignoring each other. Weirdos. I don't know what Soojin unnie's reason but I think it's also connected with the awkward atmosphere. Weird people.

Today is the day we'll move in our dorm. And I know, but Shuhua doesn't know that I know, that she planned not to tell Soojin unnie about it so she will be punished to help Soojin unnie pack her things. And in that case, they'll be able to talk about them. Why are they ignoring each other and blah blah blah.

Shuhua hasn't tell me yet about the real reason why she can't like Soojin unnie. But now there's another reason why she really shouldn't. It is because of Hui sunbaenim. He's courting Soojin unnie. And in my point of view, I can tell that Soojin unnie likes him. So, that's one of the reason why I should not let Shuhua fall deeper. It will be a disaster. But as what I can see now, interactions between them, Shuhua and Soojin unnie, can't be avoided since we'll now be living in the same roof.

It's just a couple of minutes right? It won't hurt if I let her do her plan.  I can stop her in her upcoming plans when we started to live in the dorm anyways. For now, I'll let her be. This is making me crazy. I guess I cleared all the questions right? These explaons why we got more closer with each other. I'm protecting her. I don't want her to fall deeper and got broken after.

They're coming back♡
And I'm broke :))
Anyways, thanks for reading!
Take care always♡

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