003 - Suit

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"Secretary Kim"

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"Secretary Kim"

"Yes," I answered back, rushing to Ceo Kim's wardrobe room. We have a meeting in half an hour, it's about the company's eighth anniversary along with the new projects and to discuss about the partnership with the MYG corporations.

He was standing against the mirror, admiring himself. "Does this look good?" He asked, honestly everything suites him well.

"Yes sir, blue looks great on you," I told him, placing my hand on the glass table.

"No Secretary Kim, you need to have a great sense of fashion too. You are my secretary after all" There he goes again. With his lecture about my sense of fashion. Sometimes I wondered if I am his caregiver. I have to plan almost everything for him.

From his family matters to his dating interests, everything. He kept on blabbering and I pretended to listen carefully.

"Understood right," He asked raising his eyebrows. "Yes sir," I said back and smiled. "I'll change this and will wear the black one, it arrived right? I gave you the duty to take care of my clothing's Secretary Kim"

And I forgot about it, I'm surely fired today. Handling his personal matters alongside is tiring for me. I rarely do forget about important things,

"Yes sir, but I don't think it'll look better than the Prussian Blue Louis Vuitton suit" I tried to convince him. My knowledge of colours expanded the day I did become his secretary, I never knew so many shades of colours existed until I was hired.

He surely knows I'm lying. He's much smarter than people think.

"You could've said it directly that you didn't bring it, anyways, bring the 0371 Prussian blue suit" He ordered as I nodded.

He has a sharp memory. Not only he remembers the shades but to make it easier for him to pick outfits, he recognises them with numbers. Each outfit has a different number.


"I look great right," He asked stroking his hairs. "Yes sir" I walked near him to make him wear a tie. Even though, how perfect he is, he still doesn't know how to tie a tie.

I've been doing this for the past year's. But today, for the first time, I do feel a little nervous. What happened hours ago surely is a reasonable incident.


Our faces inches apart, my heart was beating fast. For the first time, I am feeling this way. He started to come even closer and closer.

I was worried about what he was going to do, analyzing the situation one could tell probably he was coming closer to kiss.

I didn't know what I wanted to do, avoid it or do it. I was about to scream when he said,

"There's an eyelash on your cheeks, wish fast or it'll fly away". He said picking up the eyelash carefully.

I was dumbfounded and wished to punch him at least, he could've said it from his office chair too.

It was a relief though. " Wish fast," He told keeping it on my fist. How can I not follow his order, I don't believe in these things but still.

"I wish that," I said taking a pause. "I can get on a date with my noss" CEO Kim said blowing the eyelash away.

I was flabbergasted, making an 'o' expression and my eyes widened. He stood, chuckled and sat on his office chair. I was still processing what exactly happened.


I rise my heels high to tie the tie on his neck, normally it isn't such a big deal but today I do feel nervous.

"Good" he complimented as I picked up his perfect pair of shoes.

"Perfect" He muttered to himself glancing at how good he was looking, a day wouldn't pass if Ceo Kim didn't praise his looks.

"Let's go," he said as I nodded, picking up the files following him.


Good Luck Secretary Kim ; TaejinWhere stories live. Discover now