007 - Breakfast

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The ride was

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The ride was...silent. Not that CEO Kim ordered to, but everyone probably didn't feel comfortable infront of him. He didn't say a word, airpods in his ears listening to some orchestra or opera I believe? When I texted Jimin sitting at back, he laughed out loud. The only time the ride was not silent.

"I expected us to stay in tents, fight the tigers, ride like Tarzan and eat fresh fruits from trees" Jimin exclaimed as everyone laughed. He's honestly such a mood maker. We were standing infront of the cottages, yes no tents . Knowing how much of 'comfortable' everyone, especially my boss would be, I rather booked cottages. They aren't too different from a tent, radiate the same jungle vibes. Even though they have a single bed inside and a washroom.

It isn't spacious, but warm and sweet. A beautiful river runs here too, pure natural vibes. One could get away from stress and get relieved here. I decided the following things to do : settling up first, exploring the forest, taking pictures ofcourse, sitting across the river, barbeque and my favourite - Bonfire. Talks and laughs.

And to add, I was the one who prepared it. Not CEO Kim. He said he'd manage, but ofcourse I did it. He helped though, accommodating the expenses ofcourse.

The only person I worry about is - him. He won't be comfortable here, I'm damn sure. But I hope he tries to fit in with the rest of us. And takes our jokes lightly.

"It's beautiful, Seokjin" Namjoon added as I smiled. "Beautiful, hyung" Yeonjun commented. I like seeing these guys happy. They're family. "Alright, don't flatter him too much and raise his standards. Where do we all keep our stuffs" Jimin asked.

"I paired us all up, ... Jimin and Namjoon, Me and Yeonjun and ... CEO Kim alone" I said reading my list which I prepared last night. Staying up till three. "I wanna be with you but Seokjin" Jimin whined, he can a baby at times. "Jimin stop whining. I am here anyways" I tried convincing him. Yeonjun flashed an evil grin as Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, I love their relationship. "Hyungie don't be sad" Yeonjun muttered sarcastically. "You mutter another word and I whoop your ass" Yeonjun grinned even more.

"Enough with the whooping,'' CEO Kim commented. When did he take his air-pods off has to be the first question? I - actually we all supposed he wasn't listening to our shitty talks. He shouldn't, He was standing their with his air pods in his ears listening to the same opera shit? Jimin is standing straight, his lips tightly sealed.

"Secretary Kim, lets get to our room" he said in an ordering tone as I muttered a yes, following him blindly before realizing where we were heading to, his cottage. I especially paired myself with Yeonjun to save my ass from embarrassment in-front of him. "Why did you stop? Are you not tired? Come on Jinie, where's the excitement and spirit" This man better stop messing up with mind, I feel fucked up when around him.


"Hope you get your ass whooped"

Was the last message I read delivered by Jimin. He's been angry because, well I paired him up with Jun now. It was circumstancle though.

"Secretary Kim, can you bring my shirt. I forgot it" CEO Kim yelled from the washroom, I started choosing a shirt from his suitcase, it took me around five minutes to select the shirt when the door opened.

He was standing there, water dripping on his eyes through his forehead, wearing a black sweatpant, only a sweatpant.

"What took you so long?" He asked as I stared unknowingly how weird I looked. It-It is natural I suppose. "N-nothing, Sorry" I said in a low tone, my gaze fixated on the chest- for science purposes trust me.

"Go and take a bath" he spoke even though it didn't really produce any effect to my holy eyes still staring deep - for science purposes ofcourse.

"Want me to help you take one" He said with a joyous tone as my cheeks were red, red as a tomato. This is getting kind of gayer now. "N-no I'll be fine" I responded looking down. I can't look upto his eyes.

I grabber my milky-white thin small sized tshirt and a pair of light blue coloured high rise jeans , and ofcourse my towel - because we avoid accidents. Wearing formal has always been boring to me, even though it suits quite well.


Author's POV

"You look alright Seokjin" Jimin exclaimed as Jin chuckled. "You look really fine Hyung" Yeonjun added as Jimin smacked the younger's arm lightly. "Is everyone here already" Jimin asked as the three of them took a glance of the people around them.

"One person's missing" Yeonjun added. "Probably CEO Kim, where's Seokjin, oh sorry Jinie" Jimin mocked his friend, who had the "shut up bitch" expression on his face.

"Hyung, I'm hungry" the youngest whined. "Call your Tae, secretary Kim, we're getting late" Jimin expressed sarcastically, no way he was going to digest these things easily. No way he wasn't going to tease Seokjin to the very most.

"Tae is here" a familiar voice responded, placing an arm around Seokjin's shoulders who felt too stunned too speak. "Ah-We were just, making j-jokes l-ol" Jimin said nervously as Yeonjun kept his hand on his mouth, controlling his laugh.

Seokjin turned his head towards his Boss, who was kind of clinging on his shoulders. Seokjin remained silent, Jimin felt like a third wheel and Yeonjun - he wanted to laugh his ass of.

"So, what's today's breakfast" Taehyung asked in a cheerful tone, turning his head right ways towards Seokjin who staring him blankly. He winked at the latter, who blushed hard due to this activity.

"Seokjin Hyung for you" Yeonjun muttered, almost inaudibly. Except for the fact that Jimin could still hear him who gave him very bad stare and pinched the latter's arm.


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