016 - Video Call

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I feel like I'm forgetting something really important

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I feel like I'm forgetting something really important. "Sir, you shouldn't be slacking" The instructor commanded as I nodded. What's wrong with me? My phone rang. Oh wait! Wasn't I just attending a presentation? I slapped my head, it came naturally. I rarely do forget things, it's really hard to look for office and home at the same time.

"Sorry, I do have a meeting" I said getting up fast. I grabbed my phone, roughly wore the shoes and quickened my steps. I kept them waiting for 15 minutes, fucking 15 minutes. That's too much.


"What's wrong?" Hoseok asked as I deliberately chose to ignore him and burried my head in my arms. I'm really tired. I feel like I've taken part in some sort of marathon, I've been up and down, the third floor and the seventh floor for God knows how many times.

"Ignoring me won't help. I saw you twisting your waist with your secretary today morning, are you that happy about it?" I grabbed a cushion from beside and threw it in his direction. "Waah, I've known you since you peed your pants and that's how you talk to your Hyung, I feel really proud" Here he goes with his futile arguments. I'd rather stay quiet than to talk back to him.

"I'm tired, that's it" I responded annoyingly taking a sip of water. My morning started without Secretary Kim's coffee, no wonder I'm so lethargic and torpid. I feel like sleeping here at this moment.

"Ah, I thought it was something big. Kids like you shouldn't be so logy, grab a plate of meat and get yourself recharged. What do you want? Wagyu beef? My cousin recently came from Japan"

"Nah, it honestly sucks. I want the chicken tenders and fish cake Secretary Kim ate 2 years ago, dated 25 March, 9 : 15 p.m, in a small street shop, near Hongdae"
It was when I asked if he wanted a treat but he said he craved for something delicious. Even though I remember having meat, what he ate that day looked so palatable and lucious.

"You sure do have some superhuman memory inbuilt" No, it's just I remember details. You could too, if you were born like me - smart and handsome. But sadly there's no one comparable to me.

"Whatever, I suddenly crave for some. What do I do?" I blurted out as Hoseok gave a thought about it, then responded "I can bring it to you, but do you think Seokjin would like it? You've put him on such a strict diet" I sighed. That's true. Even I wouldn't have liked it if I were Seokjin.

"He won't know" I feel like the malevolent, vile character of a movie who's always trying to to foolish yet wicked activities. "You're so evil Taehyung, unbelievable" Hoseok said very dramatically as he stood up, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Why am I evil? Just shut up an-" I yelled at him while he left. Am I so bad? Bruh. Everyone has left, Hoseok too. I turned the lights off and locked my cabin. "Let's see what Secretary Kim's upto" I murmured while walking towards the elevator.


"You did well" I said while patting his head as he nodded. "If you follow my schedule, you'll get well in just two days more" he kind of seems down. I mean I too would if I were him, but it kinda feels bad.

"Secretary Kim, I'll change my clothes and we'll have dinner, alright" I said to him and closed the door. I headed to my room and picked out a pair of shorts, entered the bathroom. I slowly stepped inside the bathtub, laid my head on the edge closing my eyes. It feels so relaxing right now.

After a few minutes, I could hear some noises. Maybe my exquisite cupset I brought from France just fell down. I sighed, why is it such a noisy day?

I came out wearing my shorts. I've realised a thing, I really look good shirtless. "CEO Kim, the dinner is ready" He yelled from the door. I was busy admiring myself.

"Just a minute" I responded picking out a normal Gucci Tshirt and headed to the dining room where Secretary Kim was sitting idly, fidgeting with the fork. "You seem down" he looked at me and put the fork aside, straightening his back.
"Nothing, I just miss Soobin".

I pulled out my phone, I remember saving his brother's number and video called him. "I've called your brother, he'll pick it up if he's free" He took the phone from my hand and smiled.

"You look good, even on the screen too" I complimented as he smiled, changing the phone's angle as if he was taking pictures. Secretary Kim has became quite much of comfortable with me now. "Oh, he didn't pick it up" Secretary Kim responded while puckering his lips.

"Call again" We called him twice and thrice. He still did not pick it up. Secretary Kim is a little worried, I can read it by his face. It's kind of an irony how they both are literal opposites but at the end of the day, they do care about each other.

"Let's do it the last time, alright" He hung his head and replied an alright. Pick it up Kim SooBin, your brother is really worried. Secretary Kim is so caring, thoughtful, beautiful and capable. He's so ethereal. His big doe eyes, plump lips which always look so delicious for some reason, as if they're cherry. He is quite tall, and has long legs. His voice is just so honey-like, his-

My thoughts were interupted when the smartphone's bright light flashes in my eye. "What the fuck is wrong with you all? Do not call me, Do Not fucking call me. Or else, I'll -" Soobin screamed on top of his lungs and hung the call. Secretary Kim and I exchanged mutual looks, we were just so amused and shocked.

"Seems like he's busy and...drunk" I said hesitatedly as Secretary Kim smiled, awkwardly . "He might be, p-playing some sort of prank" We both laughed dryly.

No way they're both siblings.


I'm so fucking exited, Seokjin's new song is coming out 😭💖 I love his voice so fucking much. Silver voice Kim Seokjin. His voice is so honey-like, sweet, pure and crystal like. He's perfect sksksk 😭 and Tae is his number 1 supporter. I love my taejin kabdoaiwbal 👽sorry I'm kind of malfunctioning I feel so happy even though my throat hurts. Also sorry for this weird update idk I wanna finish this story so quick but I get so engrossed when I write it

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