017 - Again

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Seokjin's POV

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Seokjin's POV

Hunger can drive a person crazy. So is the case with me. I've been so restless and ravenous as if I've not eaten since days, that's the power a good fucking meal holds. Not being able to hold it more, I threw the blanket aside and put on my crocs, hastily jumped off my bed and unfortunately, I fell.

Ignoring my wounds and pain, driven by hunger I somehow made my way out of my room. We'll do it Spy Seokjin, I thought to myself and silently entered the hushed kitchen.

Last time, I was so heedless and incautious of my actions, but this time I'll put more effort inorder to get myself protected from the vicious villian - CEO Kim. He's always destroying my plans - even though it was only once but making the scene more dramatic makes me feel so enthusiastic.

I looked around, no one was to be found. I smirked like a burglar, then slowly opened the fridge. I won't be too loud this time, I grabbed the Cupcake - strawberry flavoured, my favourite. My eyeballs scanning from left to right, feeling assured I closed the fridge and starting heading back to my room.

"He couldn't catch me" I said myself while smirking proudly as someone patted my shoulder. I turned around and it was a person, his face was really really white. I screamed thinking of it as a ghost. Just how fucking dumb am I.

"Calm down, it's me . CEO Kim aka your villian" I calmed myself down as he turned the lights on. "What are you doing here?" I asked blatantly as his eyes scanned the scenario, "It's actually my house" I smiled, that fake one which seems so readable to him.

"Are you hiding something from me?" He asked in a serious tone as I gulped nervously, then smiled and declined. "What is that on your face?" I asked trying to divert the topic. "Skin care, Now turn around Secretary Kim" he ordered and I shaked my head in denial.

He put his hand on my shoulders, then turned me around in a second slamming me to the wall. My hands and the cupcake getting exposed.

"What's this?" He asked while smiling as I laughed, "Ah haha, it's a- hhealthy cupcake" Such an illogical thing I just spitted out. "You...have to resist your cravings for a day more, I myself would treat you with whatever you want. Okay" He said politely as I nodded. He removed his hands and turned around.

Taking one bite won't harm me. I though to myself as brought the sweet close to my face as I felt a drak pair of eyes glaring at me. "I-I do nnot need th-is tthing" I kept the sweet on the table while I screamed internally.

"This won't do it, you'll in my room" He said while gripping my hand as I gave a complete surprised expression. No, that can't happen. I'm really really hungry.

"But-" he objected my words "No bits, I'll be comfortable on the couch it's okay" He said while dragging me to his room. Help me someone.

By mistake, or maybe intentionally, the moment I entered his room water spill on my clothes while I was trying to grab the glass.

"I'll go and change-" I said hurriedly trying to leave the room while he held the edge of my shirt. "Wear my clothes, it will be alright"


Taehyung's POV

"Yes, he's sleeping fine. I get him to follow a strict diet and exercise, don't you worry" I said as the person on other side of the call nodded while taking a bite of his smack. Who the fuck even eats a fucking double cheeseburger with two patties of beef early in the morning.

"Show me where he is" he said taking another bite as I moved inside the room, Secretary Kim sleeping so peacefully. He looks so ethereal right now, I opened the curtains as bright sunlight fell on him, his eyes blinking reflexly.

"Wake up" I said in a very soft tone as he shifted onto another position, he curled up like a kitten. A small kitten. "This room is so messy, it it really my brother's?" He asked curiously as I responded "It's my room".

"Why is my brother sleeping in your room?" Soobin questioned in a very scary tone as I silenced myself. What the fuck did I do?

"It-It's uh" I felt short of words. And if that wasn't enough to aggravate the situation, Secretary Kim *by mistake* held my wrist as it twisted a little and I almost fell on him.

"Is it mworning?" He said in a rough tone, which I found really sexy, blinked his eyes twice and thrice and found myself on him. "Whaw happesned?" He's speaking in his morning voice, his hair ruffled up. Pink dust assembling on his cheeks, his eyes appear somewhat bigger. He looks so fucking adorable yet hot right now.

"S-Seokjin Hyung!! Are you FINE?" Soobin yelled breaking our eye contact, this brat- "I was talking to your brother" I responded while picking the phone and distancing myself from him. I do not want to creep him up.

"Yes, I'm good" Secretary Kim said and yawned while I handed over the phone to him. "Hyung, these aren't your clothes. Did you buy new ones, they fit you so well" Soobin compliment as the latter smiled.

"These are CEO Kim's, not mine" Thank you for screwing everything up. I bet his brother is going to kill me the moment he comes back. Soobin yelled some, actually many things, infact he cursed at me too, guess I have no respect in his eyes and I hung the call as quick as I could.

"Get ready, I'll be going to the office Okay"


"You're not wearing a tie" Hoseok said while I was scanning the documents. I closed it and kept it aside when I was finished. "I do not know how to tie it" I responded. Everyone knows it by now, my employees, even the media too.

"Ah look at you, so unorganised when your Secretary isn't present. Should I tie it for you" He asked as I declined. I only like it when Secretary Kim does, no one else is permitted too.

"Waah, preferring that beautiful face over your Hyung who you've know for God knows how long. Really unfair of you. I get it, you like it when he's close to you don't you?" He asked as I blushed. I do. But that's not the sole reason, or maybe it is.

"Kids these days, y'all find these things romantic. My days were much more romantic" Hoseok said dramatically. "You're only 2 years older than me" I interupted his film actor aura as he brushed it off.

"Whatever, Sana's birthday is approaching. Planned anything" I almost forget about it and, it is just 2 days later. What a troublesome niece I have.


How's the story going so far? Do not worry you'll be getting official Taejin quick. I really like Soobin's character.

I published a book - Perfect mistake, you can check it out. It's a kind of rom com, it has a love triangle though. You can read it if you want.

Also the reason I'm slow on updates in because I've been writing the taejincember story so yea.

I was curious, is my username easy to remember?


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