013 - Home

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"Hyung ah, take care and call if something happens

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"Hyung ah, take care and call if something happens. I'll rush here, I never though we'd get trapped in such a situation but it's alright" Soobin said to me from the car window. "Good bye, have a good journey, and please follow the don'ts. I do not want to listen any suspension threats" I responded as he made a face. I smiled at him as the car started and bid a goodbye.

Soobin will leave now. And I'm on my way to CEO Kim's home. I feel really nervous but I agreed for Soobin, it won't hurt right. Staying with him for some freaking days.

"Soobin's really... amusing isn't he?" CEO Kim asked as I nodded. "How do you feel? Better?" I nodded again. I kinda feel fine now. Just few days and I'll be perfectly fine as described by the doctor.

We're heading to his office, to his home. I mean it's too big so he owns some of his floors. He said it's convenient for him and he does not want to live with his parents. I have no problems as long as I get a private room.

"S-so, wanna eat something? Oh wait you're I'll. Ne-vermind" he seems flustered and confused, kinda cute. Not that I-I compliment him but I feel he has changed quite a lot.

"Have you, eaten?" He asked. I've had my breakfast but not my lunch. "Not lunch" I responded. "Oh, great. I-I mean we came have lunch tog-gether. Not that I-urgh what the fuck is wrong with me" I smiled unknowingly. I don't know why but in the few weeks before my contract ends, our relationship kinda changed.

"So, you'll renew the contract today, r-right?" He asked. "I'll think" I responded. I need some time, In not sure why but I do. Not that I'll refuse or something, I'll just renew somedays later, I have another special appointment with certain special people.


"You can stay here" he responded showing me a room. The building is all alone. Never have I been alone in this massive tower, it kind feels so luxurious for some reason. From the expensive LED lightings to his perfectly polished marble floor, everything is absolutely inquisitive. My room, it consists of a huge king sized white bed, a vase with fresh tulips and a lamp placed on the side table. A huge television infront, a couch on the floor and a large air conditioner, just what in the hell is this place? I can live here forever.

"You'll be fine?" he asked. I was too engrossed in my surrounding which I'm sure responded in affirmative. "Have your time, I'll be in my office. You can come anytime, just make sure you don't make any kind of noise. The servants will arrive late so feel free to call or come to me, alright" He asked I nodded enthusiastically. I feel like I'm absolutely fine.


"Ah , feel so fucking good Jimin" I responded in a sloppy tone on the video call, laying on my bed lazily wearing a white hoodie and shorts which provide another level of comfort to me. "You sure do feel well with CEO KIM" He said from the other side as I rolled my eyes. I showed him the room, how much of fucking beautiful it was. "You plan on staying here for long" Jimin said as my cheeks reddened, I don't know why do I feel so good right now.

"Why are you blushing my kid? What did you see, CEO Kim undressing?" My face was red as tomato, fully embarrassed and flustered yet smiling at the same time. To my surprise, the door opened suddenly revealing CEO Kim standing on the door, in his night dress, which I found extremely hot for some reason. I hung the call up at once, sitting into a normal position even though my face was still flustered.

"Have some fruits, dining hall" he said as I nodded, getting off my bed. I still cannot flush my emotions for some fucking reasons. I gazed down while walking upto him, I almost collided with his body when my eyes met his. His hazel deep eyes are enough to drive anyone insane. "S-sorry" I apologised as he said an it's okay and now, we're both sitting on the dining table, alone.

"Apples are good" For some reason, today his baritone voice feels even more deeper. I searched for one and started peeling it off while he cut some bananas and kept in some cranberries. "Start eating, I'll cut them for you" I put the apples aside and practically shoved a piece inside my mouth. "Jin, calm down. Are you fine? You're red" He said in a low steep voice, moved close almost touching our noses when his hand popped out, mapping my temperature by keeping his palm on my forehead. I couldn't stop staring, the atmosphere tensed up. The tension in-between increased, almost on such a high level until his phone rang. Thanks for ruining the perfect moment as well as saving my ass from embarrassment. Just what the hell is wrong with me?

"Give me a moment" he asked as I nodded. I calmed myself down, gulping down the apples, bananas and cranberries. This has to be the most...amusing day, or maybe not more than the following days. He came back, placed the phone far away on the telephone table and sat down. "You've left the apples and cranberries, you seem to like bananas a lot" he said. Something is wrong with him today, every word escaping from his mouth seems so fucking sexy and seductive. For some unknown-scientific-reasons, my eyes gazed down to his- crotch. I-I know that's surely, weird but I cannot control my senses.

As I looked up at him, his eyes were staring deep down my soul. A little smirk forming on his face, I'm feeling chills down my spine.


Sulky bad update forgive me

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