018 - Cheat Day

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CEO Kim, these are the analysed files you asked for" Namjoon said while keeping the pile of files on my table as I nodded. "Your department's work is over?" I asked as he nodded. I instructed him to leave and he did so.

Today's day was very hectic, and by very, I do mean VERY. Work without Secretary Kim, is like really really difficult. I feel like I've worked enough for 5 days.

I closed the office myself today and made my way down. I streched my arms and my neck waiting for the elevator. I wish to just lie down on my bed and do nothing.

“ work finished? ” I recieved a text. I opened up the contact, it's Secretary Kim. He really does care for me every bit. So loving. “ yes ” I sent back as I smiled. I do not understand why do I feel so delighted whenever he comes up or is mentioned.

What is even happening to me?

I opened the door while I cheerfully yelled thinking about Secretary Kim "I'm home" as the door was opened hastily. Secretary Kim was standing on the door, he looks kind of nervous and tensed.

"Mr. Kim, you need to-" The home servant came yelling from the back as Secretary Kim gulped nervously and smiled at me, "Please help me out" He said in a pleading tone.

I took my shoes off as he followed me to my room. "Secretary Kim I'll change my clothes. Please tell the butler to get the food ready" I responded as he held my arm, I turned around. I guess something really serious is going on.

"CEO Kim" he said taking a pause "Can we, please- eat outside today. Please" There he goes with his unacceptable request. I made his brother a promise to take care of him. I would never have been so strict if only Soobin wasn't his brother. But now that I do have a devil waiting to kill me, I have to be careful at each step.

"Secretary Kim, you know my answer right. Just this dinner and you'll be free" my tone was calm. He pouted sadly, hung his head disappointedly and turned around. "Sir, you need to have the soup" She yelled as Secretary Kim nodded.

I feel like such a vile character right now.

I locked my door and entered the bathroom. Even in the bathtub, all I could think about is how harsh I'm being. Maybe, a cheat day won't hurt right?

With such a stupendous solution in my mind, I stepped out wrapping a towel. I picked out a pair of black jeans and black shirt, yes! We're going out today. I want to see the puppy smile.

"Secretary Kim" I called his name out as he turned around. I never thought I'd see such an adorable side of Secretary Kim. Being honest, I'm enjoying it. Teasing him is fun.

"We're going out" I exclaimed as his spoon dropped from his hands, an instant boost of energy flew in him as he shut his eyes tightly and smiled. I mean he's been suffering here since three fucking days.

Logically, by the doctor's prescription he isn't really 'ill'. It was an allergic reaction and all he needed was rest for a few days which has been accomplished. So I feel it's fine taking him out, one meal won't hurt.

"Thank you so so so much" He exclaimed happily as he stood up. "I'll wear something really pretty" he said joyously making his way to his room.


"I'm really thankful to you for doing this generous act, even Soobin will thank you" I gulped nervously when he mentioned Soobin. That punk's the only person I do fear. The moment Secretary Kim looks away he'd really beat the shit out of me.

"No need for that Secretary Kim. Let's keep it to ourselves" He nodded happily. He's wearing a good outfit, white pants and blue shirt. Simple yet beautiful. That's
just how he is.

"We're here. I'll repeat the rules again. You're not allowed to have street food, any kind of heavy meat and any alcoholic drink. I don't understand what's even left to eat but since you insisted, We're here" He nodded but the expression on his face did not change. Maybe all he wants is just to have some fresh air.

We entered the restaurant. It is beautifully decorated, the LED lights create a phenomenal effect. I booked the centremost table, not many people do come here since it's actually an exquisite restaurant in the middle of market.

There's this beautiful food menu, we booth sat down parallel as he picked up the menu. "Can I have steak?" He asked as I declined. "Beef-" I declined. His list kept on and all I could do was shake my head in denial.

"You can have some chicken noodle soup, mushrooms and cinnamon rolls" I've been here quite many times so I do not really need to read the menu. He nodded even though he was kind of unsatisfied.

I called the waiter who came rushing with a notepad as usual. "Chicken noodle soup, mushrooms and cinnamon rolls. Double them" He nodded and went back as Secretary Kim looked at me in surprise.

"Honestly these things good and save my notes too" I said as he chuckled. While we waited for the food arrive, a band stood on the small stage bringing their instruments. It's not a really big team of people but I can recognise them since I've been here.

"Wow" Secretary Kim exclaimed looking at them in astonishment. While the food was placed infront of us, his gaze still did not leave from them. "Secretary Kim, it's hot. Have it fast" I said as he turned his face around and tastes the soup first.

"It actually, tastes good even though it does not have many spices in" Ofcourse it will. Especially when you've been eating salads since days, morning and nights.

"Isn't it amazing, they'll sing" I nodded. I'm not a fan of music being honest. "Do you like music?" I asked as he slurped the noodles and responded, "They keep me alive".

"Do you know how to sing?" I asked as he blushed, "I do practice. I can" I'd love to listen him sing. His voice is like honey, sweet and crystal clear. Who wouldn't love to see him sing?

While he had almost finished, the band started their song. It's lyrics go

you're my light, you're my light
always shine into my heart
you're my light, you're my light
no matter how far apart we are

Secretary Kim seems immersed in the song while I seem so immersed in him. God what's happening


I'll speed up their relationship :)
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also i updated perfect mistake so you can check it out

any suggestions or opinions?

Good Luck Secretary Kim ; TaejinWhere stories live. Discover now