004 - Date

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The meeting went

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The meeting went ... Superb ofcourse. Honestly, CEO Kim's intelligence and sense of presence sometimes just amazes me and these are the moments I can accept that - it's kind of an honour to work for him.

He's a man of wisdom. Someone who exceptionally stands. Genes. Some say. But I guess it's his hard work which improves him, though he flaws, but these moments actually make me proud.

"Good Work" He praised me. Whenever The Kim Taehyung praised you, just know that you've done something exceptionally well.
It's rare to listen but satisfies you and your work.

"You, should be going for date in half an hour" I exclaimed in a joyous mood. He rolled his eyes, "With whom" he asked. "Ms." I said opening my notepad to read her name again, my notepad or should I refer to it as a "datepad" ? It's not a word though. Leaving the logics, basically a book wherein I have written about his personal life, his dates.

"Miss Choi Soo Jin" He sighed. I know he hates it. But it's important? After all "I" have to listen to his mother's concerns related to him since he won't talk directly, lack of communication.

"Who is she again" She's the daughter of the cheif of SY industries, she has her own perfume brand too. Summing up, she's a filthy rich - young lady.

I explained to him. He didn't react. No signs of excitement. I kind of worry for him, but I'm not any different either. "Is it Important?" He asked as I nodded.

If he's going on a date, it's not just him and the second person alone, there's a third person too - me. I truly do not understand the logic behind me accompanying him to a date but, that's alright, I've been doing it for years, It's no different.


"You look good" That's a compliment too, something's wrong today. I'm not wearing formals though, I don't really like them but I look good. The Blue bagg shirt and white pants I'm wearing were gifted to me by him. That was once. Jimin said I was the only person to recieve a present from him. Kind of made me happy for some reason so I wear it often.

I opened the water bottle to drink some water. Something seemed off. I could tell it by his face. The meeting was good. I don't see any reason for him to be sad though.

"Secretary Kim" he said in a lowered tone. "What if this date didn't go well?" Won't be new, we'll - I mean you will go on another date with some other lady, again and again. Not such a big issue. No one's perfect. You'll probably stay single. Your mom will arrange your wedding with some rich lady in her fifties, who knows might be one of her friends.

Having varied answers and theories, I decided to just - gulp down my water even though I wasn't thirsty - for water ofcourse.
"If I find no one" he said taking a pause, "I'll probably marry you".

I chocked on water. It silll on my shirt, this man is going crazy. Probably. He could be drink, he has a high tolerance though. "Calm down, I didn't mean it for real" He said taking the bottle and closing it.

He better not have some shitty plans like these. I can not bear this burden for my whole life. He doesn't even know how eager I am sometimes to just - punch him.

I respect him, but, exceptions are everywhere. I love chemistry, especially Inorganic. Back to the topic, I really have no plans for marrying him, trust me.

"You really are in a, humourous mood today" I said cracking a fake laugh. "I wasn't-" The car stopped, right at the moment. Thank God, I hate these conversations.

Marrying him, I can't dream of it. No one could and would. And honestly the society isn't that open either, his parents would be the first to kick me out. It's sad but remains the truth.

She booked a banquet hall, just for a date? Stupid. Absolutely funny and dumb. Could've been in a better and private place, a restaurant or park would be fine.

"You're drop dead gorgeous in real life, Mister Kim" she said with surprised eyes and a big wide smile. She's beautiful. Really pretty I say. Dressed in a one piece, matching jwellery set and some gorgeous heels. CEO Kim taught me, you can improve your presentation with the best pair of shoes.

Her smile dropped when I stepped out of the car. It's normal. You wouldn't want a third wheel on your date.

"Kim Seokjin" She asked as I nodded, greeting her. Such a transparent person. Could've faked a smile and greeted nicely, rich people should work on their communication skills.

They suck.

"I'd like you to excuse us" she said, her eyes ordering me to just get out. "Sure" I said bowing at her, ignoring CEO Kim's pleasing glances. You should face her alone. That's what you deserve for talking weird with your secretary.

"Seokjin-ah, come here. Don't you dare to run off" He yelled as I fastened my steps. Not today mister.

Author's POV

"It's good, he's gone. We could be alone, for some time, this kid is unnecessary here anyway" She exclaimed getting no response from the male standing, who was looking for his employee who just - ditched him. Badly.

"I'm pleased to meet you" she said flashing her big smile. "Same" Taehyung said giving a smile.

"Can I ask some questions"

"Some questions" Taehyung murmured in his breath. She asked him, ofcourse about his personal life. Even though he hated it, there was no other choice.

The one thing he learned about the lady - she was a nonsence talker and well, a close minded lady. He didn't like her. All over the televisions she was the nicest lady. In reality, she was no other than some selfish woman.

Her talks just exposed her.

She surely wasn't his type.

Maybe Seokjin was better

The only one.

Taehyung thought.

Good Luck Secretary Kim ; TaejinWhere stories live. Discover now