036 - Love

259 17 8

hey, I have something important to ask so after reading the chapter please do scroll in the last, it'll help me a lot ty <3

Here's my fav chapter :

Taehyung sat there, stunned by what Seokjin said.

"Seokjin-ah are you alri-"

Seokjin pulled the latter by his sleeve placing a peck on his lips.

"Spare a few minutes for your boyfriend too."

Seokjin said before turning around to avoid Taehyung, leaving him
flabbergasted and all red.


He said softly trying to touch his arm as Seokjin pushed Taehyung's hand away.

So freaking pretty, so freaking hot, so cute

If Taehyung wasn't a bit of a sensible man, he'd absolutely wreck Seokjin from head to toe right now, even at that place, it'd take him mere seconds to rip those clothes away and cover those beautiful thighs and neck with pretty bruises and marks.

Seokjin was hot. Or at least for him he was.


No responce.

"Jin.. Seokjinie..."

Seokjin was stubborn, he wasn't going to melt over those cheesy nicknames. He wasn't a high school girl having her first crush but a grown adult.


Taehyung said in his softest voice as Seokjin turned towards him, eyes bright and wide, biting his lower lip cutely as Taehyung took his hand and kissed it before cupping his face.

"All my time is for you, love."

Oh it was so easy to melt Seokjin. One cheesy nickname and he'd melt, one kiss on his cheek and he'd melt.

What more do you expect from someone who smells like strawberry jam and wears hello kitty night suits?

Seokjin tried hard suppressing his smile but he failed miserably.

"Am I disturbing you both?"

Dani asked with a pleasant smile and she saw Seokjin's face turning red in embarrassment.

"Aww look at you, I get it why Taehyung likes you so much."

Taehyung smiled at the simple words as Seokjin felt guilty, he stood up and apologized for acting bitchy and insecure.

"Seokjin no, you're so pretty and adorable why are you apologising? This Taehyung." She said hitting the younger's head " Is a total loser when it comes to love matters you know. Please bear with him darling."

She said as Seokjin giggled seeing Taehyung trying to fight only to get smacked playfully each time.

"I'm a lot older than him, and I'm like a sister to him. I practically raised him since he was a child you know.  And moreover, I have a boyfriend who isn't a foolish moron like him."

"I- I'm so sorry."

Seokjin repeated as she smiled hugging the latter. Taehyung watched their interaction, bored to tears.

"Are you both done, we can't be late to the amusement park you know?"

"Wha- but didn't you hate amusement parks?"

Seokjin asked curiously.

"I love everything you love honey."

Taehyung said giving a finger heart and flowing towards Seokjin who shyly buddies his face in the woman's shoulder.

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