026 - Holiday

463 47 12

Taehyung pressed the button repeatedly. Seokjin had passed out after drinking a lot, a lot. Taehyung was holding him with one of his hand. Well he would've carried Seokjin if it wasn't for his brother.

"Wh-ay you-ve dowin huh?"

Soobin said sleepily, rubbing his eyes with his sleeves. He looked drunk, much more than his brother. He couldn't stand straight or act sober, his eyes were red and he fell on the doorway right infront of Taehyung.

"Why are these brother so alike yet so different?"

Taehyung groaned as he tried picking the latter.

"Get up"

He rolled his eyes holding and pulling the latter's arm. Well, he couldn't so he just seated Seokjin gently on the sofa, fixing his hairs softly.

"Get up you punk"

Taehyung sighed as he dragged the boy to his room. Well he felt he was being a little too inconsiderate but he was just taking his 'revenge'.

"Now, let's put you to rest because your rude ass brother is wasted right now, beautiful"

Taehyung said softly as he held the latter by his waist and shoulder, seating him on his bed.

"I won't change your clothes because I don't have your permission as of now and I'm not a creep"

He said as he took Seokjin's shoes off and placed them in a corner neatly, took his socks, tie and coat off. He pulled the coverlet over Seokjin, tucking him in properly.

"I-its hwot"

Seokjin said sleepily, throwing the coverlet away shifting his position to a more comfortable one instead of just laying straight.

"Winters will start soon, you shouldn't catch cold"

Taehyung said as he pulled over the coverlet and Seokjin threw it over again, whining a "chanwge clothes".

"I'll change your top"

Taehyung murmured as opened Seokjin's closet. The upper section was filled with coats and the lower with normal clothes, he searched for a normal shirt.

He picked out the white piece, unfolding it. "This isn't a shirt" he muttered while searching for a comfortable night piece.

"Why does he have so many shorts of the similar bright shades? Everything about him is cute damn it"


"Secretary Kim, sit straight"

Taehyung said making the latter sit, holding both of his arms. Seokjin opened his eyes, he was awake, partially.

"You look good even now, when you're wasted. You're truly a piece of art Secretary Kim"

He said as Seokjin grabbed his tie pulling the latter's face closer. Taehyung gulped nervously,
"What's wrong?" He asked as Seokjin fluttered his eyes. He bent closer, close to Taehyung's face.

Taehyung wasn't flustered.

Seokjin went for a kiss, or maybe he tried. Well, the daring baby just passed out when their lips were inches way.

"You really confused me for a moment ah. Don't do this again"


Seokjin rushed. He was late, 15 minutes. And that was probably the thing his boss hated the most.

"Yo, been a long time since I saw Hyung"

Yeonjun said as Seokjin ignored him and rushed to his boss' cabin, knocking it as Taehyung yelled a 'come in'. He sounded serious, not in mood to forgive as of what SeokJin thought.

Good Luck Secretary Kim ; TaejinWhere stories live. Discover now