Chapter 12- Ciela and Aiden's Deal

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Hello! Haven't updated in years?! XD Jst joking. I'm really sorry that I haven't updated yet. I've been really busy with my stories. ;). But please do read them, I'd be really delighted. :)


Zero's POV:

                        Now me and Ciela are walking the hallways of the hospital. Wow! I am really getting uneasy here. Vampires surrounding me. Really? I'm feeling a little bit uncomfortable here.

"Feeling uneasy I see?" Ciela suddenly asked. Huh? I didn't even show it. It wasn't really traced in my expression.

"Don't bother asking. I can read minds and your thoughts." she said with a wink.

"Ahh. Ok. So you can see that I'm feeling uneasy no can we go somewhere else. I know I'm the one who invitedyou, but you know the place around here."  I asked not knowing what to say.

"Ok. Let's go at lobby. Noone really is allowed there. It's for VIPs'. That's what Kuran told me." I just nodded.

~The Lobby~

"Os this place even a lobby? It's like  a place for private things." I said.

"Yes, I know. I accidentally read your mind a while ago. You're having doubts about me aren't you?" She asked. Wow. No one can really escape her.

"Yeah. But I'm not really having doubts.I just want to ask if you know something about Amily Simetra and her news that she's alive. Do you know something?" I asked. She was quiet and somehow was thinking real hard.

"*sighs* I guess I have no choice. Please don't be mad. Yes, I know something. Amily-san is alive. And I have proof in that. At the ball, Aiden has a girl who has blonde hair and wore a mask right? That girl was Amily-san. I saw her at the balcony I followed her. She told me to never tell anybody." Ciela said. I can see the pain in her eyes.

"I understand. But I know it is time for you to tell everybody that." I said and looked at her she just smiled weakly. Then she looked behind me and back at then behins again.

"No need for that. Amia's the only one left I need to inform." She said and bowed she seemed shocked. Then I looked to were she was looking. Oh-oh. ........ All of them heard it, Yuuki and the other plus her cousins.

"Sister?! How could you?" Louven asked. Pain are in his eyes also. 

"Uhhhh." Aidou tried to say something and same for the others.

"What is it Hanabusa?" Lorena asked.

"We sort of wanted to tell you this A while ago. But, you two guys won't let us. You said you wanted to see your sister first." Aidou said.

"That's actually true." Ruka added.

"You guys knew?" Louven shouted.

"Yeah." Akatsuki answered slowly.

"I know none of this? What is the meaning of this?" Yuuki asked. Obviously confused.

"Ruka please I don't want to be rude or anything. But do you guys mind going first to guard Amia. I need to speak with my siblings for a while, you stay to Yuuki." Ciela said Ruka and the other sis as what Ciela ordered. It was a moment of silence. No one spoke I let Yuuki sat on my seat. But I offered Lorena and Louven they said they don't want to sit.

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