Chapter 11- Attack of the Level Es

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Yuuki's POV:

                   Me and my brother were discussing about Amia-chan's safety, when suddenly a scream interrupted to our conversation, it was a familiar scream. When suddenly it hit me. It was Amia-chan who is screaming.

"HEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPP!" Someone screamed for help.

 "Ha? Who could be screa-!" I cut my line then my brother suddenly stood up from his desk.

"What were you going to say Yuuki?" Kaname asked me.

"Amia-chan!" I said and run out off my brothers office.

"Yuuki!" My brother shouted, but I just ignored him. The last thing I heard from my brother is calling Amia's cousins.

                      I needed to go to Amia-chan. I run and search to where the sound is, I looked into the gates and to the forest but she is no where to be found. Until, I saw her at the bridge with a bunch of Level Es around her, they were about to bite her, I run as quick as I can. But, it was too late. They already bite her in the wrist in two sides of her neck and when that happened Amia screamed once again. I just stood there shocked, I was panicking I didn't know what to do, I didn't bring the Artemis even Amia, didn't bring her Artemis. Until Zero was in the other side running towards the bridge and stopped on his tracks also shocked tow hat he was seeing, then he got his Bloody Rose out and shoot the Level Es one by one.

Akina's POV:

                      The Level Es kept getting closer to me and I kept taking a stepback. But suddenly the one who was holding my wrist tightly turned me aroung and made me face the lake, then the most expected scene came up they all bite me. Two were biting me at the neck and another was biting wrist, It hurt so much. The pain. They were sucking to much blood from me, it was uncomfortable. When suddenly 3 continous shoots or sounds of a gun sounded and and vampires let me go and made them fall to the ground and same goes for me. My vision was starting to blur, my neck hurts same goes for my wrist and the only last words I here was.

"AMIA-CHAN! CHERYL!" It was Yuuki and Zero running towards me to help me get up, then I felt Zero picked me up. After that I can't keep up, my body gave up and suddenly blacked out.

Zero's POV:

                     I picked Cheryl bridal style, and met up with Yuuki at the other side of the bridge. She was crying hard, like there was no tomorrow. Then I remembered she can't handle scenes like these. She would always remember the incident that happened here, the incident that Rido Kuran made. Then I suddenly saw Yuuki's eyes turned crimson, so did mine. Cheryl's blood was so tempting it smelled sweet. But I have to control myself.

"Yuuki. Let's bring her to the Night Class infirmary, before we lose our self-control." I said while looked at her.

"H-hai." She said while tears were still streaming down her face. We walked run as fast as we could then we suddenly met up with the other Night Class students.

"We smelled the scent of blood who's it fr-" Aidou said and got cut while he saw Cheryl, blood splattered to the top of her uniform, it seems that those Level Es drank messily.

"What happened to Akina?" Ruka said as he gasped.

"Cheryl?" Lorena and Louven gasped.

"Amia! What happened?" Ciela asked with gloomness in her eyes.

"Please we can explain later, just let us put her in the infirmary to let her rest." Yuuki begged.

"No need for chit chat now, If you'll excuse us." I said.

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