Chapter 6- The First Move

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The Next Day..... Monday

Akina's POV:

                 Last night, was the worst night I ever experienced. Well, I guess you already know what the answer is? Now, I'm here at detention with Yuuki and Zero. Why? Yagari-sensei caught us sleeping at class. -_-". The three of us were all tired especially me. I did my homework in Algebra.

"Ughhhh! I can't believe I got detention!" I huffed with annoyance.

"Well, we still have 30 minutes till' the gates open." Yuuki said.

"Class ended very early ha?" Zero said. The three of us kept waiting and waiting and when I looked at my watch it just passed 5 minutes when Yagari-sensei left! Ughhh! Why does time needs to be slow sometimes?

Aiden's POV:

               I'm here at Amily's prison cell, because I want to show her what I was planning to the Czarina, I want to make her sister suffer. Now I got a magical mirror that can do anything to your victim, before it work you need a strand of hair from your victim. Luckily, The crest sisters accidentally pulled some strand of hair form the Czarina.

"Aiden what are you doing?" Amily asked with annoyance.

"Just showing you how to make your dear sister suffer!" I said as I laugh develishly.

"Don't you dare hurt my little sister! You already made me a captive. What else do you want?" She asked, but now she's agitated. 

"I want all of the remaining Simetra family gone. Also tell me where is the necklace that came from your Taylor." I said as I smirked at her.

"Never! I will never tell you where mother's necklace is!" She scremed.

"Well, that was your last chance to save your sister." I said as I proceeded.

She keeps shouting and screaming at me to stop what I am doing, but I keep avoiding her and cast a spell on Akina. I made her see blood where ever she goes or what ever thing she touches.

Akina's POV:

          Minute by minute I keep getting dizzy, so I just avoided to talk to much to Zero and Yuuki. We still have 10 minutes for detention so we still have time to talk about our lives. But suddenly I told them that I was going to the restroom. But when I stood up I saw my notebook with blood and my desk with blood.

"Kyahhhhh!" I said with a frightened tone.

"Amia-chan? Cheryl?" Yuuki and Zero asked.

"What happened?" Yuuki asked as she and Zero came closer to me.

"I-I saw Blo-Blo-Blood." I said with a terrified looked.

"Blood?" Zero said with confusion.

"Amia-chan maybe you're just imagining stuff. There was no blood here or in your notebook." Yuuki said as she patted me.

"But I swear, I saw Blood." Me still terrified.

"Cheryl, calm down." Zero said.

Then when I calmed down. We went outside to go to the gates of the Night Class Students. But the more I walk the more I see blood, but I just avoided to get scared for Zero and Yuuki to stop worrying. I got more frightened because suddenly I pictured a terrifying vampire who attacked my parents, and my head starts to hurt.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed then I suddenly fainted. Luckily, Zero was there to catch my fall.

"Amia-chan? What's wrong with her?" Yuuki asked Zero.

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